@Katybee_1313 wrote:
@agentputt wrote:
@PalomaMarvel24Had a putt roll over the hole last night in a crucial semi final on our discord tournament
Lucky enough it didn’t hurt the match result
I keep saving the clips for when this happens. It still rare. When I get to around 5 I’ll post them on this thread
Another victim of the Elf's Manhole Cover update. ☹️
I love how you like to point fingers. I am pretty sure I complained about the current putting physics as much as anyone, and I doubt I have any leverage over EA. If I did this would be one of the smallest changes in the game.
How about we just agree that the putting physics have never been right, and that they only made it worse trying to address it?
And let's be honest... this was advertised as a full on simulation. So if anyone has a right to complain it would be the simmers over the simcade players. It's the simcade players that got closer to what they want than the sim crowd.
Yet as the adults in the room the simmers address an issue by explaining what they believe to be an issue and offering a possible solution. Rather than blaming someone who has no influence on the process. And are not personal attacks something you can be banned for on this forum?
But my contention has always been they could have catered to both by just adding some additional settings to the game, the ability to turn off a few features, adjust rough length that actually does something and add different green speeds. And to fix a few core components... namely RNG, ball and cup physics.
Ultimately it is EA who decides what they want to address and how they want to address it. And if it is working the way they want it.
NO ONE BUT EA, thinks that the current putting model is acceptable.