Unnecessary frustrating (wind, putting) / general feedback
WTF? Wind and Putting completely inconsistent.
Guys, what is this!? I want to give feedback and there's just no proper way to do it. Chat doesn't work, no email, wtf?
So I'll post it here publicly. Whatever.
The wind and putting breaks are completely inconsistent. It's freaking annoying.
I had 12 mph crosswind to the left in 1 hole, aim to the left of the green and it just goes completely straight (into the water).
Right at the next hole, 12 mph crosswind, this time aiming straight for the hole and it goes meters to the right (into the water).
Wind just seems to apply whenever the game thinks suitable. 9 out of 10 times it works right. 1 out of 10 it just doesn't do anything at all. Come on, you can't be serious.
Same with the putting breaks. Just mega inconsistent. Usually, I can adjust myself to anything in the long term. Not with this putting. The break speeds - even if they seem exactly the same - have completely different outcomes. Thus, min. 2 putts per hole. Screws my game, frustrates me heavily. And I'm on EASY putting level.
Why do you take the fun out of this game? It's so wonderfully presented. There is so much good in this. Why this level of unnecessary frustration? In the game and also when one wants give feedback. Just frustration. Why!?
Feedback: would be great to have the merchandise / sponsor options from 2K23 in the game. One kind of money currency to buy equipment/clothes instead of several strange ones (Tokens, etc.). Also: give out special things/clothing/clubs for tournaments wins / achievements. Clubs should have an effect, not specs. This way, it would be meaningful to have different bags. To know that Big Bertha is a powerful driver and a Taylor SIM is there when precision is needed. Like this, it's just cosmetic arcade. Why? It was possible to do that in earlier golf games. Why get worse with time? You should develop forwards, not backwards.
Challenges are nice, but an absolute grind. I should hit the green with 5 out of 5 shots but then the wind sometimes has effect and sometimes doesn't. That has nothing to do with "skill". It's just random. That just makes me angry. And games should make one happy and not angry.
Hope that this reaches someone. But honestly, I think, I just wasted more of my time by writing this. Also frustrating.
Believe it or not, this game is 10 times better than what it used to be after update 3, when EA listened to know it all simmers. They wanted more dispersion i.e. RNG because they were hitting too many fairways. They wanted the ball rolling over the hole like the hole was not there because they felt putting was too easy, and we got that too. Now that was frustrating for months and many left the game to go to 2K, before EA finally got it close to what it is now.
Anyway, what we have now is what it is. There's nobody working on the game anymore since the CEO cancelled the game and it's abandoned.