Forum Discussion
I for one am definitely loving this game. I find it suits my swing style much more than 2k, though I have a few issues still:
It definitely doesn't punish you enough from the rough or bunkers.
Store is pretty average.
This is one of a few games I play at the moment, yet I'm already at level 40 out of 50, which is apparently the max level. Seems odd..
Multiplayer modes are almost non existent, especially if you want to party up with a few friends.
Having to reinvite the same group for every round seems like an oversight.
NEED a much better camera for sim putting. You just can't tell which way it breaks and are hoping that the ball position is enough and that it doesn't change direction.
I am getting really upset. Half of the 3 to 5 hours I spend a week with this game ends either by "lost connection" and lost tickets or "putt freezes game at last hole" and lost tickets.
I like playing the game, but not knowing if I can finish my weekly or seasonal tournament or lose all my tickets by just playing it, no matter how good, just becomes frustrating.
Really wished for some hotfixes, but obviously the game did not sell well enough to warrant more than a community manager and a skeleton crew.
- 2 years ago
@Blowfeld81 wrote:I am getting really upset. Half of the 3 to 5 hours I spend a week with this game ends either by "lost connection" and lost tickets or "putt freezes game at last hole" and lost tickets.
I like playing the game, but not knowing if I can finish my weekly or seasonal tournament or lose all my tickets by just playing it, no matter how good, just becomes frustrating.
Really wished for some hotfixes, but obviously the game did not sell well enough to warrant more than a community manager and a skeleton crew.I think you are blowing this out of proportion. They had some connection issues with their servers the past couple days but it seems to be ironed out. As for putt freezes on your last shot, don't rush the put. The solution is to wait for your golfer to seat his feet before swinging. I have 100s of games played and never crashed or lost connection in the middle of the round. The only time I ever crashed during gameplay was during a challenge, tiger vision came on as I made a hole in one, and it froze on me. I was like no way. But then I also noticed my asus aura crashed, so probably was some hater hacker. hahah. Just like I'm sure EA has been dealing with "hate" these past few days. We can't even have dedicated private servers anymore because of cyber attacks, i can't imagine what these game companies must go through.
- 2 years ago
It would seem the negative out way the positive by quite some margin at the moment. Unacceptable for a £90 AAA title a month after release.
I was removed from the discord server by an EA employee for simply speaking my mind and telling them what is currently wrong with the game.
- 2 years ago
@Sneakler wrote:
@RichACJust because you're not having issues doesn't mean he isn't. Could be EA or his hardware...unknown but to suggest he is blowing it out of proportion is kind of ridiculous. I doubt the guy is lying about his experience thus far.If you read my comment properly. I explained that everyone in every ea game was having the disconnection issues the other day. And it only lasted half a day hardly a reason to complain. Probably a bunch of haters dossing them, or server maintenance. lol As far his golfer freezing on the last putt, again, we all have that problem. The solution, is to wait for your golfer to seat his feet before swinging. no big deal. First of all my computer i 9 years old lol. If he is crashing all the time or having all these mysterious "bugs", sounds like a hardware problem on his end, like you already suggested. Definitely hard to believe.
- 2 years ago@RichAC Starting with "if you read my comment properly" was a nice touch.
Now let's get something straight, the person you replied to never said this was ONLY a day or two ago when he was having issues. It has been their entire experience it sounds like. So maybe you should have read his comment properly instead of getting all edgy to complete strangers over the internet.
So you're very next sentence is just sad because you dismissed his entire issue because there were server problems for a half a day.
What in the world does your computer being 9 years old have to do with another person having issues? You're not having issues, that's great, this guy is. - 2 years ago
@Sneakler wrote:
@RichACStarting with "if you read my comment properly" was a nice touch.
Now let's get something straight, the person you replied to never said this was ONLY a day or two ago when he was having issues. It has been their entire experience it sounds like. So maybe you should have read his comment properly instead of getting all edgy to complete strangers over the internet.
So you're very next sentence is just sad because you dismissed his entire issue because there were server problems for a half a day.
What in the world does your computer being 9 years old have to do with another person having issues? You're not having issues, that's great, this guy is.You're assuming just the same as me it seems. But the reason I assumed as much is the timing of his post, and him. I don't know why you are upset with me for giving news that it was all of ea's servers past few days and had nothing to with the game. Interesting...
- 2 years ago
Was the last patch where they removed game modes from matchmaking? And added 5 difficulty settings for stroke for private?
- 2 years ago
On there official page they lied! they said that these modes were available... Look at pics!
- 2 years ago
@CkYMaximus wrote:On there official page they lied! they said that these modes were available... Look at pics!
part of the problem is we need to build up the player base man. We can add 12 diff game modes. but if there only 1000 people qeuing, gonna make it even harder to find matches which is some peoples complaints. For me it hasn't been so bad imo. Although there is the 1 or 2 guys i really don't want to play against lmao. But If I get them in a threesome I'll give em play.....pause..... All I want is for them to give us turnbased stroke play for the competitive mode with a chat box at least. bare minimum lol. And put a shot clock to avoid automatic triple bogeys.... that is annoying. And if someone forfeits quits/disconnects give the guy who plays on a win and the one who forfeits a loss.
I see tons and tons of potentional in this game, which i never saw in their browser based game they came out with years ago. So i'm trying to keep my comments positive and realistic mindful of others who have not tried the game yet reading them. Closest thing I've had to tw08 on the pc in 15 years. - 2 years ago
Yes the game is dead. Average player base is about 500+ even on the weekend. i have stopped playing went back to 2k. this game is to simplistic. No penalty for going in rough or bunkers. 0 math involved. Whenever a new patch comes out i will check back and see if the game is any better.
- 2 years ago
@vanKlNG wrote:
@RichACHow on earth do you expect them to grow the player base? There’s no cross play, no game modes online and a glitchy career mode.
Not sure that’s going to reel in new players.first things I would suggest is cross play. turn based stroke up to 4 players. and a chat box with quick message options. some way to communicate lol.
- 2 years ago
@CkYMaximus wrote:Yes the game is dead. Average player base is about 500+ even on the weekend. i have stopped playing went back to 2k. this game is to simplistic. No penalty for going in rough or bunkers. 0 math involved. Whenever a new patch comes out i will check back and see if the game is any better.
what rank are you? I think on daily pro i was like 126. 256 on weekly. like 70 on competitive. I guess i'm just bad at math lol. I find the difficulty of the game fine but this is my first time using a controller. ANd I don't think i've been putting spin on the ball correctly all this time lol.
- 2 years ago
@RichACNot sure what rank i am. Gave up on tourneys awhile ago since the game is a hack fest. People shooting -11 -12 on four holes. Was mostly playing with friends when game came out. There were like 15 of us. now only 3-4 of them still play. We got bored of divot stroke play.
- Ultrasonic_772 years agoHero
@CkYMaximus wrote:Yes the game is dead. Average player base is about 500+ even on the weekend. i have stopped playing went back to 2k. this game is to simplistic. No penalty for going in rough or bunkers. 0 math involved. Whenever a new patch comes out i will check back and see if the game is any better.
Is that on Steam? There's a big difference between the number playing just on PC at one instant and the total number of people playing the game in general across all platforms. The number playing at any one time on a single platform is though definitely relevant for online game modes in the absence of cross-play.
Updates are absolutely needed to keep the more hardcore golf game fans interested long term though, and I'm personally still optimistic that these will come in time.
- Ultrasonic_772 years agoHero
@RichAC wrote:what rank are you? I think on daily pro i was like 126. 256 on weekly. like 70 on competitive. I guess i'm just bad at math lol. I find the difficulty of the game fine but this is my first time using a controller. ANd I don't think i've been putting spin on the ball correctly all this time lol.
Sadly the tournament rankings seem very heavily weighted by the number of tournaments played over some sort of average finishing position. For example on PS5 the top two on the Pro leaderboard are:
1 joonesy600000 Played = 71, Wins = 38
2 LZR_SloanerTW Played = 68, Wins = 66
For context I'm currently 135 on the same leaderboard but have only been in the winner category twice, although this will be 3 times after the latest daily counts as I managed -6 at St Andrews 🙂. First time I've played this course after some significant power and spec upgrades that definitely helped. That I'm in any way troubling top scores does point to a mix of both an easier game and low participation in the tournaments though. The EA games I play most are the F1 games and there is zero chance of me troubling the top of the leaderboards in those!
- 2 years ago
It would be great if they’d release some kind of update as to what they’re working on specifically at least then I’ll know whether to trade the game in or not.
- Ultrasonic_772 years agoHero
@vanKlNG wrote:It would be great if they’d release some kind of update as to what they’re working on specifically at least then I’ll know whether to trade the game in or not.
I'm sure we'll get the next set of updates very soon as the current 'Season' ends tomorrow so I'd certainly hold out for that, and to see if we get any more info. about future update plans as well (although I wouldn't bank on it).
I assume you've seen this?
- 2 years ago
I think i would be happy if EA said the was the "EARLY ACCESS " version. Maybe sales were bad and now its Abandon ware. They should lower The price on the game. Maybe get more sales. At the state of this game it might be worth $29.99
- 2 years ago@Ultrasonic_77 Hoping they add Oak Hill tomorrow for the new season. I assume that will be the seasonal location for tournaments.
- 2 years ago
I really hope for a big patch with the new season. And hopefully no drama with sth not working out when the season changes 😞
- 2 years ago
@Ultrasonic_77 wrote:
@RichAC wrote:what rank are you? I think on daily pro i was like 126. 256 on weekly. like 70 on competitive. I guess i'm just bad at math lol. I find the difficulty of the game fine but this is my first time using a controller. ANd I don't think i've been putting spin on the ball correctly all this time lol.
Sadly the tournament rankings seem very heavily weighted by the number of tournaments played over some sort of average finishing position. For example on PS5 the top two on the Pro leaderboard are:
1 joonesy600000 Played = 71, Wins = 38
2 LZR_SloanerTW Played = 68, Wins = 66
For context I'm currently 135 on the same leaderboard but have only been in the winner category twice, although this will be 3 times after the latest daily counts as I managed -6 at St Andrews 🙂. First time I've played this course after some significant power and spec upgrades that definitely helped. That I'm in any way troubling top scores does point to a mix of both an easier game and low participation in the tournaments though. The EA games I play most are the F1 games and there is zero chance of me troubling the top of the leaderboards in those!
I was just curious bud. I'd say there is a healthy amount of players for a game that hasn't been on the pc in 15 years and I've haven't felt any dropoff yet. As long as I can get competitive matchups i could care less how many people are playing. Thats all that matters. I'd say there is probably around 1000 people in the daily tourney. I was once ranked 500 and 800.
- Ultrasonic_772 years agoHero
@RichAC wrote:I'd say there is a healthy amount of players for a game that hasn't been on the pc in 15 years and I've haven't felt any dropoff yet. As long as I can get competitive matchups i could care less how many people are playing. Thats all that matters. I'd say there is probably around 1000 people in the daily tourney. I was once ranked 500 and 800.
As best I can judge on PS5 there are ballpark 3,000 participants in the daily arcade tournaments and closer to 2,000 for the pro dailies. I don't do the tour daily much to be as sure there. These numbers aren't a problem in themselves but do point to general participation.
Your experience with online matchmaking seems better than some but glad it's working OK for you.
I don't think there being no recent game in the franchise on PC really makes any difference personally. It's a golf game and other golf games have been available and played on PC. A few may be very loyal to particular series but mostly I'd guess those interested in golf games will judge each new one on its merits.
- 2 years ago
Shouldn't we have had an update today for Season 2? Season 1 is officially over and there isn't anything new for season 2. That's pretty disappointing at the moment since the PGA Championship is just 2 weeks ago I thought we'd have Season 2 starting right away as well. Anyone know how long the gap will be?
- 2 years ago@packattack04082 I think they will update soon but it's not disappointing that 1 day after season 1 is over we don't have season 2 ...
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