Forum Discussion
@CkYMaximusThis has been making the rounds on facebook. I saw it in a thread for F1 23. The original is an image file, but these are the contents, supposedly by an ex-EA employee...
"Funny story. When I worked at EA, bugs got categorized by severity: A was gamebreaking, B was a major annoyance to the user, C was noticeable but you could get passed it, and D was minor, not likely to be seen or cared about. Nearly all D bugs are ignored, unless something else happens to fix them. As a project gets closer and closer to completion, more severe bugs are ignored. By the last two weeks only A bugs get fixed. Even B bugs are shipped. The fun part is that when they start the next year's game (fifa 2023, need for speed whatever), they port all the old code and just update the graphics. Meaning they bring in ALL the old bugs. One of the first things they do before beginning work is fix any lingering A and B bugs, but NOT C or D bugs. During development of the NEW version of the game, whenever you find a bug, you have to first check if it was in old versions. If it was, and it's set to known shippable, you have to ignore it. The logic is this: "It wasn't a priority to fix it last year, so it's obviously not that big a problem, so we Can ignore it this year." Repeat that for 4 or 5 years, and you end up with a game that's 90% bugs that are known to the developers but also shipped on purpose."
Just something to keep in mind. It's probably wise to keep those expectations in check. It certainly rings true, based on my years of experience as a sucker --I mean-- EA Customer.
- 2 years ago
I started playing golf games competitively with Links 2001. The sad part is after all this time I still feel like the Links games were the most complete golf games. In Links everyone had the same stats so it was all about skill. After Links kinda went under i switched to Shot Online which was a whole different experience. SO is a golf MMORPG with unrealistic but challenging game play. Club distance is insane, but you need to use spin on the ball to achieve those. Yes you can hit the ball 700 yrds, but controlling it is another story. Also there was a lot to that game in regards to FW lies and what not. They would severely impact your shot. The main issue w/ shot online is that stat gap and cash shop. People would spend thousands and even 10s of thousands on clubs, stat items, clothes, exp items, etc etc....When I first started playing this was not much of an issue, but as the game grew the cash shop just kept getting worse and worse till I could not keep up. Pretty soon the pure distance between guys could not be made up by just skill alone. They did create tournaments where everyone had the same stats or same stat pool at least which was nice, but it was kinda too late at that point. I would love to see an AAA company make a shot online type game w/o all the cash shop items. Cosmetics could make a killing if the rest of the game was good.
With all that being said I think EA made a good game, but woefully lacking in features. I think what they have is very solid, but its pretty criminal the lack of game modes they came out with. No turn based match play is just head scratching. I could understand if they were a new company jumping into the market, but they had good success w/ the TW games so you would think they should have been able to build on those w/o stripping most of the game play modes. The game was delayed for like a year then again so I am not sure what they were focusing on. I will continue to play as I like the game they just need to add more competitive features. I wish they would have teams and some sort of format for those along w/ ranked match play games.
- 2 years ago
@jitter77 wrote:I started playing golf games competitively with Links 2001. The sad part is after all this time I still feel like the Links games were the most complete golf games. In Links everyone had the same stats so it was all about skill. After Links kinda went under i switched to Shot Online which was a whole different experience. SO is a golf MMORPG with unrealistic but challenging game play. Club distance is insane, but you need to use spin on the ball to achieve those. Yes you can hit the ball 700 yrds, but controlling it is another story. Also there was a lot to that game in regards to FW lies and what not. They would severely impact your shot. The main issue w/ shot online is that stat gap and cash shop. People would spend thousands and even 10s of thousands on clubs, stat items, clothes, exp items, etc etc....When I first started playing this was not much of an issue, but as the game grew the cash shop just kept getting worse and worse till I could not keep up. Pretty soon the pure distance between guys could not be made up by just skill alone. They did create tournaments where everyone had the same stats or same stat pool at least which was nice, but it was kinda too late at that point. I would love to see an AAA company make a shot online type game w/o all the cash shop items. Cosmetics could make a killing if the rest of the game was good.
With all that being said I think EA made a good game, but woefully lacking in features. I think what they have is very solid, but its pretty criminal the lack of game modes they came out with. No turn based match play is just head scratching. I could understand if they were a new company jumping into the market, but they had good success w/ the TW games so you would think they should have been able to build on those w/o stripping most of the game play modes. The game was delayed for like a year then again so I am not sure what they were focusing on. I will continue to play as I like the game they just need to add more competitive features. I wish they would have teams and some sort of format for those along w/ ranked match play games.
I feel you on the everyone had the same stats thing man. Tiger Woods 08 on the pc version is the all time great golf game. Nothing has surpassed that yet in any category. I too grew up on Links, I've must of played almost every golf game made for the pc and Links is part of the core evolution indeed. I started out with EA's first golf game. World Tour Golf in 1986. The thing even had a map maker and course editor. blew the minds off the industry at the time. 2k sports and wgt just didn't have the same playcontrol or sporting feel i was use to with ea sports games. This game, even though a little different and missing alot of the features and options we use to have (most notably turn based multiplayer) still has that at its core making me nostalgic.
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