Forum Discussion
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I lile some challenges. Too easy parties bore me to the skins.
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear I guess it depends on the level of plants too doesn't it? I haven't grind through a lot of the worlds so if they give me a level with just phat beet then i will be VERY screwed... XD
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 Geez. My phat beet is lv5. Never buy any seeds for it. All through Arena.
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear Mines is just level 2.... XDDD ooppsss...
- 6 years ago
Joining late for nothing...
- 6 years ago
All you gotta do is get Cabbage to level 12 and the bad little zombies go away. Was the Bonk Choy the one before yesterday then? I seem to remember playing where you put it between 2 graves.
- 6 years ago
@linuxPigPenYea...the bonk choy is before that. With powertoss and eieio, they have several profiles and one of them is a level 1 profile, which is why some levels are harder for them as compared to us. I am sure they have gotten loads of seed packets but just never upgrade the plant to keep it at level 1 on purpose.
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 Haha they wouldn't let you say the name if the Chinese vegetable either. I had to go back and remember the plant is named "Bonk". Which in western culture is more often used as a dirty word than the word they censored.
ROFL & WTF - 6 years ago@linuxPigPen here i was wondering why the first time i typed it, it censored the name.... i mean i never heard of it before XD
- 6 years ago
So I just updated my game...and after restarting I got a message that asks you if you want to allow third party providers to send you personalized ads. Is this normal? I don't remember this massage popping up after the previous updates.
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I have bonk choy at L8 and Cabbage at Lv8 too. Rarely use these plants.
- 6 years ago@PowerToss If u got ads by then,go for it.
- 6 years ago@PowerToss I got the same message. Don't worry, i just clicked yes and it doesn't seem to have changed anything as far as I can see~
@HenryThePear...both my bonk choy and cabbage are at level 9 XD - eieio_313106 years agoHero
@PowerToss wrote:So I just updated my game...and after restarting I got a message that asks you if you want to allow third party providers to send you personalized ads. Is this normal? I don't remember this massage popping up after the previous updates.
Hmmm., that is very strange as you said you do not get ads in Germany.
what is your setting in Player Marketing? I have mine enable so maybe that is why I have not been asked.
- MAGICDAVESHROOM6 years agoLegend
They're doing what Google do and assume that everybody wants and loves ads and give you the option to get ads specifically tailored to your interests OR general ads.
I don't know about German ad law but that's what it means to everyone else.
What we all want is an option to get rid of ads completely.
- 6 years ago@MAGICDAVESHROOM cough....if you get rid of ads, there will be no extra gems/ gauntlets for me...I would be extremely devastated 😛 not that i enjoy watching them but i do get benefits out of it 😉
- 6 years ago
@eieio_31310 I have it set to "disable marketing" for both EA and third party providers. BTW it's not like I don't get ads. I get ads almost every single time after playing a level or something like that. It's just that I don't get any rewarded ads xD
It's really stupid! Our politicians have no idea what they are doing. I mean this law exists to protect children from watching to many ads (I would guess) but yea...let's make a law that removes rewarded ads and leaves the regular ones you get. AWESOME IDEA!
- MAGICDAVESHROOM6 years agoLegend
Don't worry my little shroom, they're not NOT going to stop giving you ads for gems/ coins or gauntlets.
If you read it carefully the options are to either have ads targeted at your interests or just general ads.
There is no option for no ads whatsoever.
- 6 years ago@MAGICDAVESHROOM Phew...little shroom wipes perfume off her little head... XDDD
- MAGICDAVESHROOM6 years agoLegend
@Perfume-shroom92 wrote:
@MAGICDAVESHROOMPhew...little shroom wipes perfume off her little head... XDDDUs shrooms have got to stick together.
Shroom Family Photos;
- 6 years ago@MAGICDAVESHROOM oh my god where did you get these shroom pictures from? XD i wonder if there is anyone else in this forum who named themselves after 'shrooms'? X)
- eieio_313106 years agoHero
What we all want is an option to get rid of ads completely.
@MAGICDAVESHROOM You can hope but this is not likely going to happen as EA needs $$$ to feed their
big fat bossescreative minds....@PowerToss Oh, so you do get ads but just not the kinds with rewards, this does seem to be logical for kiddies games, oh wait, is PVZ2 classed as a kiddies game?
- MAGICDAVESHROOM6 years agoLegend
PVZ2 is classed as a kiddies game as long as the "kiddies" have credit cards to buy premium plants or other virtual items from the store.
- eieio_313106 years agoHero
@MAGICDAVESHROOM wrote:PVZ2 is classed as a kiddies game as long as the "kiddies" have credit cards to buy premium plants or other virtual items from the store.
Hmm, this kid maybe?
- 6 years ago@PowerToss I watched a bed bug video on YouTube. Now my ads from EA include sales pitches for the $25 a pint "green" solution that kills on contact. Not that I have anything against "green" products but it's my understanding that bed bugs are a problem precisely because you can't make contact with them. They know the best hiding places. Oh well. 3 gems.
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