Forum Discussion
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear That sounds exactly right. Ive gotten 310 from grinding and 70 otherwise. Gonna have to keep grinding til I get back to Jade. Only get 120 seeds for World pinata down here in the slums.
- 6 years ago
I really hate guacodile....sighhh......
- eieio_313106 years agoHero
@Perfume-shroom92 try using it in boosterama with blover.
- 6 years ago@eieio_31310 Not when it is appearing in the pinata party with garg... mines are a bit too useless to do much XDD
- 6 years ago
A lv11 guacodile PF Effect Kill The Gargs so fast :/ - MAGICDAVESHROOM6 years agoLegend
Guacodile can be used to knockback zombies if you plantfood it.
You've not been reading the hints and tips, you naughty shroom.
- 6 years ago
@HenryThePear , actually i found method to get BB or specific plants i need from inzanity
@Perfume-shroom92 , guacodile is free version of parsnip but guacodile gonna charge even so get hit from far by turquoise skull zombie or garg.. guacodile is still useful rather than parsnip imo, since parsnip can't be charge against long range zombie like turquoise skull zombie..
If we talk which seed hard to get from pinata (imo) :
Ancient Egypt : Sunflower or peashooter
Pirate Seas : Threepeater
Wild West : Winter-Melon
Far Future : Blover
Dark Ages : Sun-shroom
BWB : Bowling Bulb
Frosbite Caves : None , since it's only 5 plants
(but i only looking for Chard Guard)
Lost City : None, since it's only 4 plants
(but i only looking for Stallia)
Neon MT : Intensive Carrot
Jurassic Mash : Primal Sunflower
Modern Day : Moonflower or Dusk Lobber
- MAGICDAVESHROOM6 years agoLegend
You should post that in the hints and tips thread.
- 6 years ago
About inzanity, guacodile or the last one?
- MAGICDAVESHROOM6 years agoLegend
Inzanity, don't forget to point out you can keep on generating a random level until you find a world you want seeds from.
- 6 years ago@MAGICDAVESHROOM I know it can knock back zombies XDD but this naughty shroom actually don't read the hints and tips section.. pfftttt......pppffttt....
- 6 years ago@Clarionz89 OOhhh.....thank you~~ I knew certain seeds are harder to get than others but to actually see them listed out is good to know 🙂 I got 500 packets of winter melon off EA when my season reward x20 pinata recently missed giving me the reward 😉
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I got an additional of 400 icebloom when they failed to give me 20x pinatas..
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear I have 2 different people got back to of them offered 400 icebloom or seeds of any other plant i want~ so i asked for 400 winter melon~ it was a bit behind from my wild west grinding anyway~~
- 6 years ago
Im glad to help you, please tell me if that method is working for you..
seems like everyone have problem with ice pinata x20 from arena x.x
- 6 years ago@Clarionz89 I have it in both my profiles,even with strong internet connection :/
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 Oh lol. Why don’t you ask for Bowling Bulb?
- 6 years ago@Clarionz89 Nah~~ i did not have problem with the ice pinata..its the regular x20 pinata. I was switching between 2 devices which is the first time i did that since i only recently got the other one there. So what happened was my crown sync over but not the score in the progress mistake to not check that so i then didn't get the reward.... but now i am very careful when i am approaching a reward 🙂
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear *cough* next time 😉 if it happens again 😉 which i hope not~~~
- 6 years ago
seems like Ice Bloom lv6 is ahead of me
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear Good for you~~~ 🙂
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I would prefer 400 seeds for other things else but not this..
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear Well i guess it was just luck~ when i emailed, i had 3 different people got back to me. Also maybe because i was affected by the regular pinata and not the ice one. I guess if its the ice one, they would probably also only offer me icebloom.
- 6 years ago
@HenryThePear , if i can choose i want x400 pokra seed haha.. too bad i can't choose pinata i want last time ._.
- 6 years ago@Clarionz89 I lost 200 spear family seeds and they gave me back 30 pokra >_>
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