Forum Discussion
@Perfume-shroom92 Ha! I just checked...I only see this offer on my third profile, the one I don't play so it doesn't have SV unlocked. If I enter the game on my other profiles I don't have this offer either.
Yep, I have different offers in the store depending on whether I already have Shine Vine unlocked or not. I have to force-close the app and enter on my unused profile to make this offer appear. It's really funny...the price per SV seed is completely different.
No Shine Vine
- 5 years ago
I got this banner, but didn't see it in the Store (yet)
- 5 years ago@HypnoDjurre I got one of those about 3 months ago. I think you have to decide immediately to hit the banner to buy the gems. Mine never appeared in the store either when I went looking for it.
- 5 years ago
Imp Pear is in the store today. I have never seen so many offers as in the last few day. Witch Hazel, JOL ,Parsnip, Missile Toe,...Imp Pear. Makes sense that they stopped turning Premiums into Seediums for now. Probably a lot less players would have bought them, thinking that they could be turned into Seediums.
- 5 years ago
I only see this offer on a profile that doesn't have Fire Peashooter unlocked.
- 5 years ago@PowerToss Can't do euros.... xDD so is this a better deal technically speaking? Well, adding in the cost of snow pea and EP separately plus the cost of those 10k coins xDD
- 5 years ago
@Perfume-shroom92 Plants cost 5.49€. So you basically get 100 gems and 10,000 coins "for free". Not a bad deal!
- 5 years ago
I'm actually considering buying it if it unlocks Snow Pea and Electric Pea on all profiles. @MAGICDAVESHROOM Do you know if I get the plants on all profiles?
- 5 years ago@PowerToss if you bought the plants separatively it will appear on all profiles but I don’t think it work for bundles.
- 5 years ago
@HenryThePear Yep. I thought so...because it is weird that I only see it on one profile. They should just change the Fire Peashooter to 100 gems and a lot more players would buy it. Guess I'll wait until they are turned into Seediums =)
- MAGICDAVESHROOM5 years agoLegend
@PowerToss wrote:I'm actually considering buying it if it unlocks Snow Pea and Electric Pea on all profiles. @MAGICDAVESHROOM Do you know if I get the plants on all profiles?
You should get the plants on all profiles.
- 5 years ago
Gumnut seeds and Reinforce-mint !!
- 5 years ago@HypnoDjurre I am very worried about your gauntlet count... xDDD
- 5 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 1500 gem still translate to 360 gauntlets xDDDD
- 5 years ago@HenryThePear Then i will worry about the gem counts after that purchase....
- 5 years ago@HypnoDjurre Broken finger, here I come. Big Pig needs a new pair of shoes
- MAGICDAVESHROOM5 years agoLegend
Reinforcemint is only in the store for 21 days instead of the normal 28 days.
- 5 years ago@MAGICDAVESHROOM I thought i remember the time wrongly but looks like it is indeed shorter...wonder if its just another mistake again....
- eieio_313105 years agoHero
@linuxPigPen Oh heck you have painted an image in my mind....
(I want one in my garden)
- 5 years ago@eieio_31310 I don't know why...but i have a picture of big pig eating bacon..... *face palm*
- 5 years ago
That suggestion is just plain gross...
- 5 years ago@linuxPigPen But both piggy and bacon looks very happy xDDD
- eieio_313105 years agoHero
@Perfume-shroom92 I hope these gum balls will help you to get over your crave for bacon.... 👿
- 5 years ago@eieio_31310 This is actually a very interesting thing i have to say... xDD
- MAGICDAVESHROOM5 years agoLegend
@linuxPigPen do you have bacon gumballs or is that just the way you walk?
- 5 years ago@MAGICDAVESHROOM I'm not bacon. I'm ham. Which is somewhat disconcerting given Lumnutz's peculiar culinary proclivities...
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