Minor glitch, 5th seed slot has deadspot
Platform: Android
Device Model: Galaxy A51
Operating System: Android 12.0
Where Issue Occurs: During regular level gameplay (NOT during CYS screen)
Issue: The bottom of the 5th seed slot has a deadspot where it can not be pressed
I noticed that in the 18.0.6 update, the 5th slot during gameplay is not selected if you tap on its lower half. I am not sure if this happens with other devices or not, but it is very annoying since I have to press the top half of the 5th seed packet in order to select it (this has caused me to almost lose a few levels because I clicked the bottom of the seed packet and it did not select the plant)
Possibly could be caused by Grapes of Wrath overlaying the packet? Not sure. I do know that this did not happen in previous updates, and it does not matter if the 5th slot is Potato Mine or not (which is the plant I had selected in the screenshot below)
Rough estimation where the deadspot is on my device:
Can test more if needed, thank you