All Traits in PvZ Heroes!
Hey everyone,
This is a guide for PvZ Heroes which would be particularly helpful for beginner players or players who are less experienced with certain aspects in the game. This guide covers each of the common traits (types of effects that cards have) in PvZ Heroes and what they do. I will divide the traits into 3 sections: Plant-only traits, Zombie-only traits and universal traits.
These are the traits that both factions have access to!
Dino-Roar trigger particular effects when you draw a card. The effect varies depending on the card, but they always activate when you draw a card. If you draw multiple cards at once, you get the effect multiple times, equal to the amount of cards you drew. You also get your Dino-Roar effects if you conjure a card, if you gain a card, or if your opponent gives you cards, which is also possible.
Strikethrough is a universal trait that allows that card's attacks to pierce through your opponent's defenses, which means you also hit the opponent's Hero, even if they are defended with cards in front of that lane. The damage that the Strikethrough card does in that lane is equal to its power, to all cards in that lane, and to the opponent's Hero as well.
Bullseye is a universal trait that, when the appropriate card does damage to the opponent's Hero, it does not fill their Super Block Meter. This applies if it does damage to the opponent's Hero from regular attack damage or through effect damage.
Anti-Hero is a universal trait where a card's strength gets automatically increased if there are no enemy cards in that lane, meaning it will do additional damage to the opponent's Hero if the lane that the Anti-Hero card is unprotected. For this reason, it is important to try and keep enemy fighters out of these lanes, or they generally become ineffective.
If a card has Amphibious, it can be played in the Water Lane. It can also be placed in other lanes as well. Only cards that have this trait can be placed in the Water Lines, otherwise the card will not be able to be played in this lane. This can allow for some easy damage, or protect against enemies that have this trait.
Armored cards take reduced damage from attacks equal to its Armor value. Attacks that indirectly reduce its strength and health ignore its Armor, or effects that destroy the card still work. You can reduce damage a card takes to nothing if it has enough Armor for it. Basically, the fighter becomes tougher.
Untrickable cards are unaffected by tricks. This means that tricks have no effect on Untrickable cards, this includes tricks that affect the board. Note that this only applies to opponent's tricks, your Untrickable cards are still affected by your tricks. Fighters that have effects that would affect cards with this trait does still work against them.
Hunt is a universal trait where the card automatically moves lanes when another card is played in a different lane, to the same lane where the card was played. This can only work if the card is played in a lane where you do not already have a card in.
Conjure allows you to gain a random, appropriate card, even if your Hero cannot normally play that card. This can equal some surprising tactics. The type of cards you can conjure depends on the faction you are on, and depends on the type of card as well.
These are the traits that only Plants have, Zombies cannot use these traits.
Team-Up is a trait where you are able to play 2 Plants in the lane, if at least 1 of those Plants have the trait. This allows you to protect your fighters or to stack damage onto the opponent's hero and reduce the amount of block they can get from these stacked attacks.
Double Strike
Double Strike is a trait where, after a Plant battles here, they do a bonus attack. This will only apply if the Plant survives at the end of regular combat in this lane here. Buffing these kinds of fighters or protecting them can be really useful.
Splash Damage
Splash Damage is a trait where the Plant deals damage to Zombies in adjacent lanes equal to its splash damage value. This allows you to deal lots of damage with a single attack. Note that you cannot deal damage directly to the opponent's hero with splash damage if dealing damage in adjacent lanes, this only applies to fighters.
These are the traits that only Zombies have, Plants cannot use these traits.
Deadly is a trait where the Zombie instantly destroys any Plant or Zombie it deals damage to, including itself. This does not allow you to instantly win the game by dealing damage to the opponent's hero, but you can instantly destroy enemy fighters, as long as they take damage from fighter attacks with this trait. This can allow to destroy really large enemy fighters as well.
Frenzy is a trait that allows the Zombie to do a bonus attack, whenever it destroys a plant and survives. This can apply during combat or when performing bonus attacks. If the enemy has multiple fighters in a lane and you are able to survive their attacks, you can destroy all of the fighters and then hit the opponent's hero as well. Buffing or protecting these sorts of fighters can really benefit you.
Overshoot is a trait that makes the Zombie deal additional damage to the enemy hero equal to the value of its overshoot, before combat starts in the fighter's lane. This allows you to deal direct damage to your enemies which ignores enemy fighters in the lane. After dealing the Overshoot damage, it can still do regular damage to the enemy fighter or the enemy hero. Note that Overshoot is not affected by the health or strength of a fighter.
Gravestone is a trait where the Zombie hides in a Gravestone when played. This makes it immune to almost all tricks, damage and other effects while in the Gravestone, however there are a few enemy effects which can affect them anyway (and some effects only work when Zombies are in Gravestones). The Zombie comes out at the start of the next Zombie Tricks phase, and if they have when played effects, this is when they activate (just before tricks).
Cool, that's the guide! Enjoy playing!