[Guides] Tips and Tricks for Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville!
- 5 years ago
This section of the thread is here to commemorate players’ guides (mine not included - see the Original Post on this thread to see my guides exclusively) and to give more visibility to the guides that others have made, so that their hard work be can heavily appreciated and players can find guides on content they want more easily.
I have accepted this solution to give this post more visibility and to make it easier to find and see.
If you would like me to add your guides into this post/thread, simply make a guide link thread like this one, with links to all your current and upcoming guides and I will add it here, and credit you for it. You can request this by sending me a Private Message or by replying to one of my guides I have made. Just include the link to your guide link thread and I will add it here as soon as I get time.
Here are the guides that other players have worked hard on and have done an excellent job on creating, make sure you check them out if you want assistance on the topics:
@benn1nat0r's guides:
- https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/How-to-play-as-Acorn-amp-Oak-Guide/m-p/9389810/highlight/true#M25035 (Acorn and Oak tips).
@Fork_x_Spoon's guides/cheat sheets:
- https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/How-to-Play-Team-Vanquish/m-p/9495627/highlight/true#M27735 (How to play and win Team Vanquish).
- https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/How-to-Play-Gnome-Bomb-Overtime-Edition/m-p/9504900/highlight/true#M27898 (How to win Gnome Bomb in Overtime).
- https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Counter-Giddy-Park-Spawn-Camping/m-p/9524537/highlight/true#M28236 (Countering Giddy Park spawn camping).
@agqwpe663oe6;'s guides:
- https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Wildflower-tips/m-p/9460576/highlight/true#M26526 (Wildflower tips).
- https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/TV-head-tips/m-p/9459720/highlight/true#M26482 (TV Head tips).
- https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Imp-tips/m-p/9428332/highlight/true#M25612 (Imp tips).
@gametrieuk's guides:
- https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/How-to-counter-the-Branium-Basher-9001-Guide/td-p/10284749 (Countering Brainium Basher 9001 upgrade).
Well done everyone on creating your awesome guides! 🙂