Forum Discussion
Hello there all,
Updating this post as we've hit another milestone: 3000 signatures!
We're now 2000 signatures away from reaching 5000, which if we do then that has to show EA and/or Popcap something significant, possibly enough to warrant something, but I'll keep things realistic as to not try to get any hopes too high.
Just want to thank you guys again for the support you've given this.
As always, remember to share this petition with friends and keep on spreading the message about this fight to save BfN.
- 5 years ago
@DoctorDap Thank you for the update! I noticed the growth of the petition in just a few hours was crazy! I wouldn’t get my hopes up too much, but I’ll continue to share it where I can. Maybe we can get Iceburg Lettuce to be released. I supported the petition by donating 10 Euros. Just to have a tiny chance of the character to be released. To me, that is worth it.
I’m also really angry at some of the people in the reddit community. They are making memes about and insulting the people who sign the petition. Because they are convinced it doesn’t help. To them I say: “How did you help? By refusing to sign a petition because it takes 30 seconds? By pushing for the game to be cancelled, even though the devs mainly listened to your complaints and not the ones of their own forum? By getting it to be cancelled because by the so called voting with your wallet you would get a gw3 to be made, even though you just told EA that PvZ shouldn’t get new games?”
thank you for all of you support! Have a nice day 😇!
- 5 years ago
United we can 😄
About redditors and pvz discord members we should just ignore them
- 5 years ago@Tedit0oBG is it me or do they seem very pessimistic about all this
- 5 years ago@benn1nat0r Don't be on the subreddit and Reddit in general. It's filled with 12-year-olds (and without going too far) who think they have moral and intellectual high ground. Not saying that's all of them, but it's hard to find even a mature adult there without having to look at utterly disgusting parts of the internet.
That said, they are sending a valid message (just not conveying it well): this isn't Epic Games v. Apple, this is some thousands of fans who want to see the continuation of a game that's probably not profitable and is part of a greedy corporation (ironically using their forums to say this). To them, we're just a few thousand to the hundreds of thousands of other players who play other games. Not saying it's impossible, but you'll need more than just measly thousands to get them to hear you. - 5 years ago@benn1nat0r Those trolls will get their comeuppance when their beloved games get cancelled too. You guys are unsung heroes in my book. Those who tirelessly campaign. You just lead, we follow!
- 5 years ago
@DoctorDap Could you please edit the title to say over 3000 signatures? Because we have reached that amount 🙌!
@Shadowphinx101 I know EA likes to do some things that indicate they care about their communities, but as far as I can remember, they haven't said "this announcement could change" about a game's cancellation before. Maybe they are thinking about allowing the devs to finish and release Iceburg Lettuce and the remaining costumes? To me, that would make sense. It would give the game a push in sales around December. Without releasing the content, 6 months of expensive labour would have been wasted. In addition, EA could say they love the BfN & PvZ community so much they gave them some new content, despite the game not performing like expected.
@natsucoole860 Thank you 🥳! You shouldn't really be thanking me, though. I just post here a lot and I'm not active on any other social media platform where I could share the petition. I have sent the link to a couple of friends, who have shared it on social media.
- 5 years ago@DoctorDap EA listens to money not petition sigs. Put a gofund me together and maybe they'd listen...this is just a waste of time.
- 5 years ago@Gormey Genius idea though. EA releases a "Save BFN!" bundle at Rux, and if it sells enough, they release Iceberg Lettuce. Win win.
- 5 years ago@shurikeninja I'll buy it if it is sold!!
- 5 years ago
@Gormey EA would probably start a kickstarter campaign and after collecting millions say "Sorry, we have problems making the product you paid for in advance" and run off.
@Shadowphinx101 The last paragraph of the blog post says the announcement could change with community feedback. They have included this in every translation. I don't think they would include just to raise hopes, only for them to be smashed again. I believe the petition can achieve something, even if it is not big. Even if EA only ends up allowing the devs to release all the finished customizations, such as a penguin universal hat that was intended for a new Christmas prize map, I'd consider the petition to be a success. They have so many finished hats and recolors for Cactus and such in the files, it would be a waste not to release them. It wouldn't cost them any money to release them.
In addition to this, I think a legendary upgrade fo Snapdragon was finished. The other ones are close to completion, too.
- 5 years ago@benn1nat0r I don't think that paragraph means anything tbh. EA just like to do that, to 'pretend' to actually care about community feedback, but it's just false hope. They don't care about the game, never have. They just wanted to squeeze as much money as they could from the game, and now they have, they don't see it worth their money or time to invest in(because they can't rlly add any more transactions; players aren't buying Rux products = EA don't get money).
- 5 years ago
It's ALWAYS about the money.. give them 3 million they might listen to you.
- 5 years ago
@DoctorDapI don't think I've signed this petition yet! Where it is?
- 5 years ago@DoctorDap Petitions are a waste of time. U really think a multi-million dollar corporation is going to listen to 2,000 ppl. Sorry to be negative, but that's barely anyone. If I'm being honest, majority of the community are happy to see the back of BFN...
- TheSprinter855 years agoHero@Shadowphinx101 You’re probably right with both of your points, unfortunately.
- 5 years ago
I took a break from the game and was expecting them to work on balancing out the flaws. But than I come back a few months later and they say they're not going to support the game anymore. This should tell you all you need to know. They gave up a looong time ago. Of course you have my support and I signed. But don't hold your breath.
- 5 years ago
Even zero said it will not matter
- 5 years ago@Multiwarfare From what it seems from watching the videos a lot of the remaining pvz youtubers honestly don't seem surprised that this happened and I cant say they're wrong for the reasons they list about it.
- Iron_Guard85 years agoLegend
To be fair, EA started way back in the Commodore 64 days and some of my favorite games from that time of my life (high school mostly), were EA games; Archon 1 & 2, M.U.L.E., Mail-Order Monsters, Adventure Construction Set, Caveman Ugh-lympics, and many more. I've never owned a Madden game (I do have Mutant League Football and Hockey on my Genesis, I know football was based on madden), so I would say modern EA is more heavily based on Madden, but I get that point.
GW1 did well enough to justify GW2 and GW2 definitely did well and it had a lot of support early on, which dwindled to a trickle later on, one can surmise that it was due to BfN taking longer than EA wanted (remember GW was in 2014, GW2 was in 2016), so that was why we got Wall-Nut Hills and the costumes for Torchwood and Hovergoat awhile after Frontline Fighters. Because of how well GW2 did, and is apparently still doing, we got BfN. BfN feels like they saw OW, which launched shortly after GW2, and its success early on (not so much right now anymore), and wanted to make GW more like that game but changing that much is a lot of work, and BfN was definitely launched too early and was, and many cases still is, missing content. GW had solid support early but then GW2 came out and it had tons of videos, the mystery portal, and so much more. Note we never got any community challenges in BfN, a part of GW2 that really felt made us feel like a community either.
Like @stukapooka points out, a lot of our regular and semi-regular YouTubers were not surprised the game is already done receiving new content. And even Wolfy didn't celebrate it, I watched his video on the topic and he really voiced what a lot of the fanbase were thinking about the game.
I did sign both petitions. I don't expect anything to change, but the more people show support, the more notice they may take and give us a new PvZ shooter that has less issues, less monetization, and more content in the future. They know they can make money off of the GW fanbase, but they have hopefully also learned that they can't push it too hard or this happens.
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