9 years ago
Plants Suck
Yeah, I feel better in my heart now I've expressed my opinion about this side. It isn't even one class that sucks, it's all of them. Fix Rose Buff Sunflower Fix Chomper Buff Cactus Buff Peashoo...
It isn't pretentious when its true. Multiplayer is not designed to be solo play friendly, which is why you probably have a bad time. I can't roll a team of 3 or 4 zombies by myself as a plant-- that is why I team up. Grab a few friends who you enjoy playing with and mob together. Your experience will much more pleasurable.
@GardenZsniper wrote:
So this stupid idea we all should all play tactics pointless, if there are groups of friends joining up and useing this method it can not be stopped, all people will do is leave the game if there see a very unbiased game play happening.
Cooperating with a team can be as simple as "lets hit left side" or "hey, a mech is coming from the right." A call-out can save a life many times over. I often end up grouped with Kids and find them very capable of strategic play and often outplaying me.
seriously please be quiet
Not everyone has a mic and is a hardcore gamer like you with your pub-stompin' buddies
Go back to cod
@GardenZsniper wrote:
I had a go on the toxic pea last night to try level up to elite, decided garden opps was the way to go, every direct hit to a zombie flashed up 35 health kill and it was a realy good pea to use, used the same character in turf take over and my direct hits only add up to 10-20 health Max, how can this be so different so to try and wipe out supper brains with 200 health it will take about 20 shots that will take over 15 seconds to do.
That's simple to answer - you missed 🙂 The 10 damage is direct splash damage, higher than that is a hit, higher than that is a critical, which I believe is around 37 max. with the damage upgrade. He is a very good pea to use btw. The splash damage and DoT at choke points really helps thin the herd.
@GardenZsniper wrote:
Don't waste you time everyone the plants players of this forum know exactly what's going on
Apparently not 😉 That is quite worrying when it comes to balance.
GardenZsniper wrote:
just funny how the zombies not long ago were all crying as Rose was beating down on them, we all agreed in a good spirit something needed to happen to rose. But now we have the very weak plants and highlighting the issue the zombies users are all fighting now to keep there over powered characters.
I had a go on the toxic pea last night to try level up to elite, decided garden opps was the way to go, every direct hit to a zombie flashed up 35 health kill and it was a realy good pea to use, used the same character in turf take over and my direct hits only add up to 10-20 health Max, how can this be so different so to try and wipe out supper brains with 200 health it will take about 20 shots that will take over 15 seconds to do.
I've realised now the zombies users are going to fight this issue and try and say there is no issue, because there on a win situation.
Time to get better at the game then, every single match I did with Toxic Pea I was nr 1 of the team with getting kills as high as 80+...
Toxic pea is very strong.
And don't act like the balancing is as bad as it was with the OP Rose. 90% of the games ended at the first base back then. Now i've won many many times as the plants.. With lots of games ending at about 3-3 (turf war) which is how it should be really. That's what you call balanced. The game is not supposed to go to the end every single time.
Meh. In the first week of my gameplay i spammed toxic peashooter because seemed very quickly to be used, but as long as i understood the game i got the fact he has extremely limits, the first limit his the character overall. I bet he was very strong in the first gw1 and eventually get nerfed, the character is annoying to play against, and usually things annoying to play against are usually hateable and getting stupid nerfs. We already talked in another thread about this, fact is they mostly ignore a lots of factors.
That character is pratically useless.
Now ill explain how that character seems to be more effective that he really does.
In order to get so many vanquishes you have to do kills.. no matter your kill/damage partecipation.. your toxic dot only to Kill steal from your allies :P
Whenever you see something getting close to you, run like a bi*** using your hype.
Continue spamming your RT button, trying to hit something from the other side of the map. No matter if your team-mates are losing because they lack a team-mate on the frontlin, no matter if you could just have pick a Cactus, e, just play like a bi*** . With the toxic working so many seconds and apply to all targets is not hard to get not deserved kills or assist.
If this game will eventually have a chat i would imagine.
"omg Toxic peashooter, pls try focus"
"no fk u, im the carry, i need to be safe"
Meanwhile all plants die and toxic runs away with hype
"gg report toxic pea shooter, what a noob, pls l2p"
"stfu im an expert, i carry this"-
Fire PeaShooter is better, just harder because small blast radius, but to compensante it reward you more, since fire procs do more damage.
Plasma, Law and Agent are fairly better, but hard to use. But whenever you see someone using them correctly you notice the real difference.
Fact is, since they are not going to ruin your game so often you accept the fact they are stronger.
They have higher skillceiling, theorically they should be nerfed too, but, people feedback matters.
Also at any moba games you know kills doesnt mean nothing. Always, objectives DO win. This is why devs already says that class is balanced.
Ah to be clear, in team vanquish objectives do not win, but you have to consider all DAMAGE DEALT, DAMAGE TAKEN, UTILITY GIVE to the team and so on.
PeaShooter is a damage dealer class, doesnt bring anything else. I consider Toxic more like an utility character. He can force people to get off from the walls and forcing you to go all in or go back, more than a raw damage dealer. He has AoE for sure, but a lots of character have more consistent AoE damage.
Because that class is just noob friendly, and IMHO not even close to be balanced, but slightly UP, but since he's easier, everyone can have decent result.
buff please characters party (plant) is not worth much use these characters to be "legendary" with improved damage and the time bar of the active party these characters reach the base damage of normal variants without improving this is very bad damage is not worth playing these characters "legendary" does more harm normal variant of these and uncharged when the party buff pls.
I am getting sick and tired of zombies almost winning every game. The whole character classes are offense for zombies, while I just cannot take on 3+ gunning me down at every turn as a plant. I can manage to get 50 vanquishes as a plant on a good day but for the most part I stay in the high 20's during those short one capture point games. I am getting fed up with the number of Imps and Superbrains. This time I have been trying to master Electro Citron and earn all party and legendary characters but to no avail. I really hope they balance this game and then give us new content even if it takes some time. I still have some milstones for now but might switch between games until this is resolved.