Some people are getting really carried away with some of these ideas for Rose nerfs. 75 health? Reduce her damage to 6 - 7 per hit?
It's ironic how some people are complaining about the Imp being nerfed too hard, yet with these sort of suggestions they're basically requesting that the same thing happen to her. I think some people are letting their emotions get the better of them because of their struggles against this character.
As I'm sure others have said, Rose was pretty average in the beta, so returning her to that iteration would be the easiest, and perhaps the best solution. Letting her keep some sort of slight buff over that wouldn't be a bad idea in my opinion, and I've seen others say that as well, but that's debatable.
I'm curious as to what prompted them to buff Rose in the first place. I hadn't seen a whole lot of outcry for that, just a few posts here and there. I wonder if perhaps the developers looked at the numbers (specifically her number of kills per match), and saw that she was getting fewer kills than other characters. If that's the case, I think a slight buff over her beta iteration is certainly warranted. I do realize she's a support character, but that shouldn't mean she shouldn't be able to hold her own when it comes to getting vanquishes. Some people claim to have done really well with her during the beta, and I don't doubt them, but just because a small segment of players can do well with her doesn't mean a whole lot. In almost every game out there, there are always a small percentage of people that manage to do well with mid or low tier characters.