Forum Discussion
@THDNA Feedback has been forwarded to the team. For the cheating, we don't have threads on this because it goes against the rules of the forums. IF a player is calling out another player even to report it, they can be actioned and the post removed due to the Do's and Don'ts so I would be careful on that one.
I have requested updates on the issues, so when there is an update I will be posting one to let players know what is happening.
- 10 months ago
@EA_ShepardThe NA West server can now connect to several lobbies in mixed modes and turf takeover, but the Asian server is still completely unplayable, no one can connect to any game mode in the Asian server. Additionally, I believe the NA West server is not fixed. The reason why people can get into lobbies through NA West is because NA West and NA East share lobbies. People can connect to lobbies hosted by NA East when selecting NA West. I really hope the Asian server issue can be solved swiftly since the team is done with BFN EAAC implementation. Thanks
- EA_Shepard10 months ago
Community Manager
@THDNA If no players are able to connect to Asia servers, that is something we need more players to report to us and not other places like Reddit or Discord for example. Unless I have a list of players and this thread catches fire, Nothing will be done. A few players saying no one can vs 50 players we cannot from an IT perspective is very different in terms of something is broken.
- 10 months ago@EA_Shepard Players in Asia are heavily underrepresented in this forum, primarily due to language barriers. But if this is how things work here, I will direct players who cannot connect to online games in the Asian server to this thread.
- 10 months ago
me too
- 10 months ago@EA_Shepard
I can't connect Asian servers for a week. Please solve this problem as soon as possible. - 10 months ago
Issues in Asian and NA West servers causes many players can't enjoy this game.I hope it can be sloved as quickly as possible.
- 10 months ago
@EA_Shepard I can't connect Asian servers.I need u!!!
- 10 months ago
- 10 months ago
I can't connect to asian server too.
- 10 months ago@EA_Shepard fix Asian service plz
I can't believe solving such problem need player feedback - 10 months ago@EA_Shepard I really hope that the Asian server issue in Garden Warfare 2 can be quickly resolved. For several months now, there is no way to match the servers in the western Americas and Asia.
- 10 months ago
We wanted to see some real actions happening!
- EA_Shepard10 months ago
Community Manager
Hey, All
To get this one reviewed by the right folks, I will need the following from everyone as soon as you can. Once we have all of the info below, we will forward it to the right teams so they can see what is happening.
- EA App/Steam/Epic:
- EA ID/Steam user ID:
- Attach the EA App Error Report ID Here
- The EA app logs can be found in C:\ProgramData\EA Desktop\Logs & C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\Logs
- Windows OS:
- Windows OS version:
- GPU model and driver version:
- Internet Service Provider:
- Region:
- Are you using an internal or external drive?
- Are you using an HDD or SSD?
- Date this issue started (is it still happening?)
- Any other errors?
- Has the game been reinstalled?
- Have you power cycled your modem/router?
- Have you tried a different connection?
- If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip:
- Can you attach a DxDiag?
- 10 months ago
Primary issue: unable to enter any functional online multiplayer lobby of any game mode on the Asian server.
When attempting matchmaking in any game mode on the Asian server, it shows a match is found after a long wait; however, it will always show “Failed to connect to the game session, please try again” instead of getting into a game. In contrast, matchmaking on other servers (e.g., NA East and EU) allows players to join games almost immediately. (video linked)
Causes: Intensive lobby crashing by cheaters.
The cheaters use game modifications (Mods) that bring incompatible content into online games and result in lobby abnormal closing, known as lobby crashing. When cheaters crash all lobbies in the server, the server becomes unable to create any new functional lobbies leading to the current situation. A similar issue occurred many times in the first half of last year due to the cheater rampage; the only difference is that this time, only the Asian server (and potentially NA West) was affected whereas servers from all regions were broken by cheaters last year. For those not familiar with last year’s situation, please refer to the linked thread on global online multiplayer server dysfunction:
Lobby crashing is among the most destructive forms of cheating in the game. It can cause not only server dysfunction but also pose a constant threat to all players. Players will lose all XP and coins earned in the game upon the lobby crashing.
• EA App/Steam/Epic: EA app
• EA ID/Steam user ID: THDNA
• Attach the EA App Error Report ID: Not Applicable
• The EA app logs can be found in C:\ProgramData\EA Desktop\Logs & C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\Logs
• Windows OS: Windows 10
• Windows OS version: Windows 10 Pro 22H2
• GPU model and driver version: RTX2070s 537.58
• Internet Service Provider: China Unicom
• Region: Northern China
• Are you using an internal or external drive? Internal drive
• Are you using an HDD or SSD? SSD
• Date this issue started (is it still happening?) Almost a month (about a week after EAAC implementation)
• Any other errors?
• Has the game been reinstalled? No, irrelevant.
• Have you power cycled your modem/router? No, irrelevant.
• Have you tried a different connection? Yes
• If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip: Refer to the video I just recorded:
The first few minutes show failed matchmaking in all game modes on the Asian server. Starting at 6:40, the remaining part shows fast and successful matchmaking on NA East and EU servers, along with normal gameplay despite high latencies.
• Can you attach a DxDiag? Not Applicable
Most information requested is irrelevant to the issues, but I am providing it anyway. I hope these satisfy certain SOPs that must be followed in EA for situations like this.
- 10 months ago
why the player in china are many and you can't see it
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