Forum Discussion

EA_Leeloo's avatar
5 years ago

Welcome to Pogo on EA Forums!

Greetings all Pogoians and welcome to our EA Forums Pogo Area!

This thread will be a one-stop shop for everything there is to know about EA Forums

Here, we will be posting guides on how to get around EA Forums so you can easily find the information you're looking for - but also on how to ask, answer, and level up! 🥳

You can find more news about Pogo on our Offical Web Pages:

Helpful Links Index

But first things first - the rules.

On a platform like this where many people from many different backgrounds chat about many different topics, we need some guidelines that make sure that the EA Forums is a fun and safe place.

You can find our New EA Forum Rules & Guidelines when you click HERE 

These are the topics we will also cover in this thread (simply click on the blue questions below to see the guide)

Do you have any other questions about how the EA Forums work that we haven't covered here? Simply drop  @EA_Rtas or EA_Lanna a Direct Message and we will do our best to answer your question and add it here!

And now that you know all the basics, you are ready to explore EA Forums and engage with fellow Pogoians! 😃

Have fun! 🙂

6 Replies

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  • Hey there! So you are on Answers HQ - do you have a question?

    - Yes!

    Great! In that case we have some answers for you. 🙂

    Our Pogo forum on Answers HQ has been around for few years now so we have accumulated plenty of questions and answers. So, maybe the question you have has already been asked and answered before.

    This post will walk you through how to quickly search through the tons of info we have here on Answers HQ Pogo!

    Before we look at how to use the search function, let us link you this awesome Solutions & Workarounds thread (simply click the blue words). Here you find the most frequently asked questions AND solutions on Pogo. 

    To make things easier, just press the Ctrl and F keys on your keyboard and search for a keyword! Are you looking for a solution to cards that not moving? - Just press Ctrl and F and type "cards" into the little search bar. Easy-peasy! 🙂

    How to search

    The easiest way to search is to start typing in that big bar that says "Search or ask a question Box":

    As you can see, our search function automatically gives you some suggestions. Does any of those suggestions match your question? Then just click on that result - this will bring you to straight to the thread.

    These automatic suggestions don't look promising? 

    Don't worry, you can see more! Type in your search query and hit the Enter key, that way you are getting more results! On the full search page, you can browse all the results for your search and narrow down the results. For example, tick the 'By Metadata' - 'Solved' and you will only see threads that have a marked Solution.

    • Search Tip 1: You can make the search look for specific words! For example, you wish to see threads for questions about Solitaire Gardens? Use quotation marks around your search word - "Solitaire Gardens". Doing this ensures that only results containing that exact combination of words are displayed.
    • Search Tip 2:  When using the search, check the dates on the posts (the date is in the top right corner of each post). More recent replies are better as they are more likely to be accurate than replies from 2013, for example.

    Do you have more questions about the Answers HQ search function or tips you would like to see here? Just send @EA_Illium@EA_Rtas a Direct Message (just click HERE!).  

  • So your search wasn't helpful so you want to ask your question? 

    Then let's have a look at how to start a new topic on Answers HQ! 🙂

    If you are on the Pogo forum, click on the board that matches your question (General Discussion & FeedbackTechnical HelpPogo Classic). Once you have done so, you will see the big 'New Topic' button on the right hand side:


    When you click on that, you will see this:


    This is really simple:


    1. Type in your subject line - this should be a short summary of your question. For example: Cards in Spades don't move
    2. Ask the question- please provide as much detail as possible.
    3. The submit button will post your question. Please note that this button will not appear unless you have typed something in the body of the post. Also you need to pick a subject line.

    That's it - your post is now visible to all other players and you will be getting answers soon! 

    Posting tip: See that little paperclip icon in the picture above (in the green box)? That browser button will allow you to attach files like screenshots, for example. As they say - a picture is worth a thousand words! 🙂

    You want to reply to a post instead?

    No problem! 

    All you have to do is to click on the "Reply" bitton on the post you want to respond to!

    Do you have any other questions about posting on Answers HQ that we haven't covered here? Simply drop @EA_Illium@EA_Rtas a Direct Message (click THIS LINK)

  • So you made a post but you can't find it again? No problem!

    It's actually very easy to find your posts and there are 2 ways you can use. 🙂 

    Way number 1:

    When you make a post on Answers HQ, you are automatically subscribed to that topic/thread. So each time someone replies to that thread an email is sent to your email address linked to the account you used here on Answers HQ. Once you receive the email, just click on the link (the bold words in blue) with the threads subject line and you will be taken directly to the thread.

    Way number 2:

    Are you unsure which email address is linked to the account you are using on Answers HQ? Don't worry, this is how you can find out!

    Just click on your username next to your avatar in the top right hand corner of Answers HQ to go to your profile page:

    The above drop down menu will show if you click on the little arrow next to your name - select 'Profile'. 

    Welcome to your Profile page! 🥳

    There is a lot of info here so take your time to explore this space. But now we are here to find your email and then check out your older posts! You can see your account email by clicking on 'Private Statistics'.

    Don't worry - no one else but you (and site Administrators like me - EA_Leeloo) can see this info.

    You can find your previous posts in your activity feed on the right. Scroll down a bit and click 'View All' to see all of your previous posts - when you click on the thread subject line, you can quickly jump into that thread again.

    Tip for finding posts: You can create a bookmark or a favorite in your browser so you can access your profile page easier in the future (here are two guides on how to do that for Chrome and Firefox - just click on the name of the browser you're using). 🙂

    Do you have any other questions about finding your posts on Answers HQ that we haven't covered here? Simply drop @EA_Illium@EA_Rtas a Direct Message (click THIS LINK) and we will do our best to answer your question and add it here!

  • Did you get really good advice? Or did someone share an awesome post? Then use XP to say "thank you" and recognize great content!

    Giving XP is super-duper easy. Simply click the XP button at the bottom of the post that was helpful, well written, clever, or so sunny it made you laugh.🙂 This is what it looks like:

    Did someone post a reply that solved your problem or answered your question?

    Then mark that post as a solution! Having a solution in a thread makes it easier for other players using search find answers to their questions! Only you can Accept a Solution on a thread you create -  well, actually Community Managers can do that, too.

    To mark a post as solution, simply click the "Accept as Solution" button: 

    Do you have any other questions about XP and Solutions on Answers HQ that we haven't covered here? Simply drop @EA_Illium@EA_Rtas a Direct Message (click THIS LINK).

  • You don't like the avatar next to your name and posts? No problem, you can change it! 

    While you are assigned one of our default avatars when you join Answers HQ, it can be changed at any time using our collection of AHQ avatars. If you're feeling like Spike one day, and a Sims character the next, you can change it through your profile. Our avatars cover every EA game, so you have a wide selection.

    There's 2 ways to get to your profile to update your avatar.

    The first way is through going to your profile page as we have shown you earlier. This way, you can also edit your profile. Here's the screenshot again for reference:

    The second way to access your profile is to just click your avatar image next to your posts. There are no menus involved here, all you need ist one of your posts already up on screen.

    Once you're in the profile menu, you can click "Edit Profile" to update any information of your Answers HQ profile, including your avatar.

    Once you have clicked that, click "Avatars" to see a list of all the avatars you can choose from:

    You can click on the Collections drop-down list and select a theme, for example, AHQ Pogo to see all the avatars from that category:

    Do you have any other questions about avatars on Answers HQ that we haven't covered here? Simply drop @EA_Illium@EA_Rtas a Direct Message (click THIS LINK).

  • You have a question or an issue that you don't feel comfortable sharing publicly? Or do you want to reach out to another user in a more private way? 

    Then you can send a direct message! 🙂

    It's really easy to send a direct message to someone, and there are 2 ways to do that!

    You actually already know way number 1 - we have been posting at the end of every post in this thread. 🙂

    If you click THIS LINK, you're automatically taken to the "Compose New Message" page. All you have to do now is to insert the username of the person you want to send the message to and the message subject: 

    Way number 2 is just as simple.

    When you have a thread open on your screen in which the person you want to message has posted, click on the avatar next to the username of that person. This brings you to the profile of that user. 

    Once on their profile page, you can see a little envelop icon next to their avatar:

    Simply click on that envelop icon and this will take you to the "Compose New Message" page so you can type away! 🙂

    Do you have any other questions about sending direct messages on Answers HQ that we haven't covered here? Simply drop@EA_Illium@EA_Rtas a Direct Message (click THIS LINK).

About Pogo General Discussion

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