Disappearing pogo stars {points or Gems}
I have been playing the gingerbread puzzle. Accumelated a large amount of pogo points {or stars}. The gingerbread puzzle is still ongoing but the Align with the Star has restarted Jan. 6. Suddenly , all my points have disappeared and reset to 0 instead of being applied to the new Align with the stars. I have earned all those stars by playing many, many games and want them returned and applied towards the new Align with the Stars. Why were they cancelled when they were honestly earned. I feel like I am being taken advantage of by Pogo.
Hello! All Pogis Stars you earn while working on a constellation will count towards that particular constellation. If you finish the constellation and achieve Gold Status, any additional Pogis earn afterward will still be allocated to that same constellation.
Pogo Constellation Q & A: Light up the Stars with New Pogis - Answer HQ
The new constellation, Verglas the Resilient, has begun, which means we all start fresh and have the chance to succeed in this exciting new event!
Hope this helps & Take Care!