This is a report I prepared on January 22, 2020 after reviewing posts at the EA Answers HQ from several players who reported experiencing a phenomenon where the Mahjong Garden HD game stops loading at the 85% point during the loading process. I am requesting that an EA community manager forward it to the EA Pogo team to assist in their investigation of this type of loading failure occurring at the Mahjong Garden HD game.
Updated 1/24/20: Added another 85% loading failure report using Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers, but where it loaded fully when using Edge. Revised Summary of Findings to include this new information and added a recommendation to use Edge if having this failure with other browsers.
Updated 1/29/20: Revised number of people reporting 85% loading failure from 19 to 20 after one player clarified the loading stopped at 85%. Also updated the information on browsers affected as this person identified the problem occurred with Firefox, Chrome and Edge browsers. This was the first report I've seen of Edge having this loading failure also.
I have been reading about so many players experiencing a loading failure of the Mahjong Garden HD game where it stops loading at 85% during the past 2 months at the Pogo site. Also during that time, no clear cause for this problem has been identified and it continues to happen. Reviewing the EA Answers HQ database for this type of failure, I discovered that it started soon after the game was released in June 2019. It's been happening repeatedly over the months since then, and the frequency of this failure has increased during the months of December 2019 and January 2020.
Therefore, I decided to review all the failure reports that I could find on this 85% loading failure for the Mahjong Garden HD game. I was not sure that I would find any common cause or evidence to suggest a possible cause. But I collected a large amount of information that I am providing to the EA Answers HQ forum, so that it can be reviewed by the EA Pogo team. I also have a few recommendations to make should EA want to follow up on them as part of their investigation into this type of failure.
A. Number of players reporting this failure
Twenty Nine (29) people reported that Mahjong Garden HD failed to load between June 12, 2019 (when the game was released at Pogo) and January 29, 2020 (latest update to this review). Others have clicked on the "Me Too" button in response to the reports of failures but are not included in the count of this review. Therefore the problem is wider spread than indicated here.
Some of the people reported the problem more than once, but repeat posts are not counted more than once here in the summary information. The total number of incidents of loading failures exceeded 30 times when repeat posts were counted.
Of the 29 people reporting failures to load, 22 people reported the Mahjong Garden HD game stopped loading at 83% to 85%. There was 1 report of 83% loading and 1 report of 84% loading. It is possible that both of these might have reached 85% if allowed longer to load before exiting the game. In fact 1 person who reported 84% also reported 85%. The other 20 people reported 85% .
The remaining 7 people did not give the % loading reached. They just reported that the game failed to load. It is possible that they are also experiencing this same type of failure, but not reporting that the game stopped loading at 85%. There was 1 person who gave no % loading initially but later reported 85%, so that person was grouped with those reporting 85% loading.
The breakdown of the % loading failures is listed below.
85% 20 people
84% 1 person
83% 1 person
No % given 7 people
B. Increased trend of reporting this failure
The largest number of people reporting the loading failures occurred during the month of December 2019 followed by a smaller number of reports during January 2020. It should be noted that January has not ended yet and more failures are possible to occur during this month.
The breakdown of people who reported the loading failures is listed below. Multiple reports by the same person were counted below only once for each person. Two people reported the problem in both December 2019 and later in January 2020, so they were included with the month count of December as the first time reporting it.
June 2019 1
August 2019 1
October 2019 1
November 2019 1
December 2019 18
January 2020 7
It is expected that more loading failures will occur after this review was submitted. Updates can be periodically made under this review as additional loading failures are reported.
C. Conclusions about possible causes from the reviewed data
Three possible variables were reviewed for evidence of a connection with this 85% loading failure with Mahjong Garden HD game. These variables included browsers, operating systems and Classic Pogo vs Early Access Pogo pages for playing the game. The vast majority of the comments made by those reporting the loading failures provided little information to identify their browsers and version numbers or their operating systems and version numbers. Furthermore, there was little information provided whether the failure occurred at the Classic Pogo or Early Access Pogo pages. Therefore, no conclusions can be reached for a possible connection between any of these variables and this 85% loading failure for this game. There is some evidence to suggest that Microsoft Edge browser is less vulnerable to this failure, because a few players reported it loaded the game when other browsers failed.
1. Browsers
Some browser information was provided by a few people who reported this 85% loading failure. Mozilla Firefox was used by 5 people who had loading problems. Versions 67.0 and 71.0 were listed. Google Chrome was used by 4 people who had loading problems. No version numbers were given for Chrome. Apple Safari was used by 1 person who had the loading problem. No version number given. Microsoft Edge was used by 1 person who had experienced this problem. No version number was given.
However, there is other information which indicates that Firefox and Chrome browsers can load the game fully. I used Firefox Version 71.0 and it successfully loaded the game at both the Classic Pogo and Early Access pages. Another person who made comments in one of the discussions indicated that she also was able to load the game with the Firefox browser.
Furthermore, Chrome also can load the game fully as one player indicated in one of the discussions, and as I verified using Chrome Version 79.0.3945.130 at both the Classic Pogo and Early Access Pogo pages.
Only 1 person has reported experiencing this 85% loading failure using Microsoft Edge. Furthermore, 3 people who reported the loading failure using Firefox and 1 person who reported the problem using Chrome and Safari reported that the game loaded fully when Microsoft Edge was used. Although there are mixed results, Edge might be recommended for use with game, particularly if more people come forth saying that it worked when other browsers did not.
As stated above 1 person reported this loading failure using Apple Safari. However, one person who replied to this discussion said she was able to load the game fully using Safari.
There is no evidence to show that one particular browser is much more susceptible to this 85% loading failure with Mahjong Garden HD than the other major browsers. But there is some evidence to show that Microsoft Edge fully loads the game by players who had the failure with other browsers.
2. Operating Systems
Some Operating System information was provided by a few of the people who experienced this 85% loading failure. Windows 10 was used by 2 people and Windows 8 was used by 2 person who had loading problems. However, there is also evidence that the game loads fully with Windows 10. That is the Operation System that I used to play the game at both the Classic Pogo and Early Access Pogo pages.
No information was provided about the Apple Operating System used in any of the reports of 85% loading failure with this game.
Therefore, there is no evidence to show that one particular Operating System or version is much more susceptible to this 85% loading failure with Mahjong Garden HD than the others.
3. Classic Pogo vs Early Access Pogo pages
The Pogo Early Access web pages were opened to some players about the time the Mahjong Garden HD game was released in June 2019. More players were encouraged to go to the Pogo Early Access pages in the last quarter of 2019. Starting at the end of 2019 there was an increase rate of reporting the 85% loading failures with this game. Therefore, the data was reviewed to see if there was any evidence that it occurred more frequently at the Early Access pages.
Little information provided in the posts about this 85% loading failure to suggest that it happens more often at the Early Access Pogo pages or the Classic Pogo pages. So the above question could not be answered. One person reported that the failure occurred at both the Classic Pogo and Early Access Pogo pages. However, I have been able to fully load the game at both locations.
D. Discussions, Threads and Posts identifying the 85% loading failure
The vast majority of the loading failures were reported under the Discussion/Thread entitled "Mahjong Garden won't load!", which was initiated in October 2019, although many posts under this title were made in December 2019 and January 2020.
Seven (7) different Discussions/Threads were found where loading failures for Mahjong Garden HD were reported between June 12, 2019 and January 22, 2020. The 7 titles with links to them are presented below along with the raw data that include:
- Comment #s
- Account names of the those reporting the failures
- The months and years the comments were made
- Text details provided in the comments
Note: If these 7 discussions/threads are later combined into one, the comment #s might be altered by doing that, and then may not match the comment #s here in this review. But that's a minor issue.
1. Unable to load Mahjong Gardens HD (initiated in June 2019)
#1 pheneliz (June 2019)
Compatibility Scan
1 problem found on your computer.
Browser No problem found!
Java Not installed / disabled More Info
Operating System No problem found!
Flash No problem found!
Resolution No problem found!
System Information
Webgl1 supported True
Webgl2 supported True
Java Versions installed False
Operating System Windows 8
Flash version 32.0.0
Resolution 1600 x 900
Browser Firefox 67.0
Cookies Enabled True
Do Not Track False
I have tried several times to play Mahjong Gardens HD. However, the game only loads to 83% and then stops. Will not completely load. I have tried restarting the page and clearing the cache. Nothing works. I tried it in the Early Access Version and the same thing happens.
#3 pheneliz (June 2019)
I tried in in Edge and it works.
2. Mahjong Garden HD (initiated August 2019)
#1 19LadyLion57 (August 2019)
Something is wrong with Mahjong Garden HD
I have done everything on my end to clear up the problem. but nothing has worked. The game sticks and will not load fully. Please look into it.
3. Mahjong Garden won't load! (initiated October 2019)
#1 harleyhottie8897 (October 2019)
I have been trying for 2 days to get this game to load and it gets stuck at 85% each time! Help, I have a badge to do in 13 days.
#3 reneight8 (November 2019)
still no loading
#5 set195yZMyMG (December 2019)
i am having problems loading the game it just sits at 85%
#6 guestsupplyxbj (December 2019)
I have been trying to load Mahjong Garden for 9 hrs and it stops loading at 85% too. This issue has not been resolved.
#8 pattyberg (December 2019)
mine is stuck at 85% too -- can't do today's daily!
#10 AbC8073a8290360 (December 2019)
I noticed on the information line at the right of the screen, it says I am still playing for the daily bonus with a green dot in the red "B" button. I cannot clear this even switching browsers. Can you clear this issue and perhaps unfreeze my Mahjong Gardens page from 85%
#11 akaEve3 (December 2019)
My game does the same. It stalls at 42% and totally quits at 85%.
# 12 KookMop (December 2019)
I'm having the same problem. The game loads up to 85% then stops loading.
When the game first was introduced, I was able to play it (in Firefox), but now this past week it only loads up to 85%.
My son helped me play the Daily Challenge the other day by opening up Microsoft Edge... Was able to play it on that browser.
I'm wondering if it has something to do with EA not realizing that Firefox has released an update and now the game is incompatible with Firefox 71.
#14 ccampbell1951 (December 2019)
No matter what browser I use this game will not load. It show 85% on the bar and will not go any further. The longest I waited for it to load was 15 min.
#15 pattyberg (December 2019)
Please fix the loading problems on Mahjong Garden - still stopping at 85%. It worked for about 15 minutes a couple days ago but now right back to the problem. I loved the old version of this game! Why can't I play it now? It worked when it first changed over but not now.
#16 pattyberg (December 2019)
using Chrome
#19 DrmEagle (December 2019)
Majhong HD won't load it gets to 85 percent then quits. please help fix this.
#22 Windsoc (December 2019)
When I try to load Mahjong Garden it only loads to 85 5 and then freezes.
#23 loosedevelopment (December 2019)
#24 char61353 (December 2019)
daily game and won't load, very frusturating. I don't have all day for this crap, not my job or do I get paid to know what the problem is
#25 char61353 (December 2019)
#27 ccampbell1951 (December 2020)
Even after reporting loading issues nothing has been done to fix the problem, other than it is now loading to 85% instead of 84%. Great job POGO. Only thing Pogo is worried about is taking away any incentives to play the games on your once good site which is turning into a POS.
#29 char61353 (January 2020)
todays game and won't load past 85%. have done all your crap and still won't load, frusturating again!
#32 pippa605 (January 2020)
Yes same issue here, two days now.
#33 avamaya (January 2020)
I'm having the same issue. I don't know when harleyhottie had hers but this is 1-16 20. I'm freebee8053
#34 missylam_ (January 2020) (Note: name is missylam_ with underscore at end of name.)
Mahjong Garden has only loaded to 85% for a week, I am not the only one having this problems, others are saying the same thing. Other games load okay.
#36 customervU5 (January 2020)
Mahjong Garden won't load it's at 85% for the last 4 days.
#38 Mcmath bjc (January 2020)
no still do not understand why game loads 85% and freezes always some problem with pogo so disgusted
#40 abcag5MN83fcSa (January 2020)
I am having issues with Mahjong Gardens on firefox it gets to 85% then stops, I have tried internet explorer and it loads with no issues. I have windows 10 and use firefox. not sure what other info you need
# 48 vbingo6 (January 2020)
Have the problem of Mahjong Garden stop loading at 85% for a number of days using Safari on MacBook Air, using Mozilla Firefox & Chrome on Dell computer. Followed suggestions to clear cache etc. but problem still exists. The game does load using Edge browser on the Dell computer. The game did previously load using all browsers and computers but stopped loading as stated. Have been following forums on Pogo but have not seen any solution to this problem and it does not appear to affect all users, It is frustrating since it appears to be affecting a number of users,
#60 pippa605 (January 2020)
As for the browsers, I have tried firefox, and microsoft edge. Game was still stopping at 85% I use Google chrome which works well with all the other games and mahjong garden worked ok with this until about two weeks ago?
#62 pippa605 (January 2020)
@pippa605 Browser No problem found!
Java Not installed / disabled More Info
Operating System No problem found!
Flash No problem found!
Resolution No problem found!
Click here to rescan your computer
System Information
Webgl1 supported True
Webgl2 supported True
Java Versions installed False
Operating System Windows 8.1
Flash version 32.0.0
Resolution 1600 x 900
Browser Chrome 79.0.3945.130
Cookies Enabled True
Do Not Track
4. Trouble loading games (initiated in December 2019)
#3 pogoisgreat (December 2019)
Mahjong Garden will load only 85%. It's my favorite game. I want to play it!!!!
#5 SAGE191612 (December 2019)
mine wont load
#6 momorningstar (December 2019)
clear cache often. still have the same problem. getting frustrating
5. Pogo Mahjong Garden HD (initiated December 2019)
#1 twohig76 (December 2019)
You really need to fix what ever is wrong with Mahjong Garden HD. It never wants to load. I have complained about this before and the problem still has not been fixed.This is one of my favorite games to play and it never loads. Can you please the problem once and for all. I have been trying to get this game to load for the last 2 hours. This is unreal that you do not read or listen to your members. I have cleared the cookies and the cache and still nothing is working. Please fix the problem. I am sick of asking. twohig76
6. Game wont load (initiated December 2019)
#1 cfhf14 (December 2019)
for a week now i cannot get mahjong garden to load, it stops at 85%. the compatability scan says i dont have java installed. i checked my system and i have the most current java installed and it is enabled. i have tried all the different troubleshooting ideas, nothing works. i am using the chrome browser
#6 cfhf14 (January 2019)
1 problem found on your computer.
Browser No problem found!
Java Not installed / disabled More Info
Operating System No problem found!
Flash No problem found!
Resolution No problem found!
System Information ystem Information
Webgl1 supported True
Webgl2 supported True
Java Versions installed False
Operating System Windows 10
Flash version 32.0.0
Resolution 1536 x 864
Browser Chrome 79.0.3945.88
Cookies Enabled True
Do Not Track False
i have 8Gb of RAM
7. everything worked (initiated December 2019)
#1 CassMP (December 2019)
Why wont Mahjong gardens load??
When I started this review of the 85% loading failure phenomenon for Mahjong Garden HD on January 22, 2020, I didn't know how long it would take or where it would lead me. I was surprised that the initial review of the available data took only 1.5 to 2 hours. What took much longer was reviewing the data closer for trends and then writing a report on what I found. Unfortunately, I did not find a common cause or evidence to suggest a possible cause. But I did collected a large amount of information that I am turning over to the EA Answers HQ forum, so that it can be reviewed by the EA Pogo team to assist their investigation of this type of failure.
There have been approximately 30 players who have reported this failure and some of them reported it happening repeatedly. While that is not a large number of people compared to the number of players at the Pogo site, it is not an insignificant number especially for those people affected by it. I did verify my suspicion that there was an increasing trend occurring for this failure.
I have a few recommendations to make should EA want to follow up on them as part of their investigation into this type of failure. I also have one recommendation to players who are having this 85% loading failure with Mahjong Garden HD.
First, EA could send emails to the Pogo mailboxes to those players who's account names I've identified in this report, asking the people if they are willing to participate in a survey to collect more information from them to try to identify the cause or causes of this problem. People notice when they have emails in their Pogo mailboxes.
I noticed that many of the people who reported this problem did not write back to report it again. Maybe it means the problem went away or that they just gave up. They could be asked if they have been able to play the game without the loading problem occurring now, and what they did differently that improved the game loading.
Second, EA could post a survey to the general population of players at the Pogo website asking if they have experienced loading problems with the Mahjong Garden HD game, especially cases where the loading stops at 85% or so without fully loading. They could also ask the similar questions they would ask of the players who have identified themselves has having experienced this phenomenon. I recommend the survey be left posted while the investigation by the Pogo team is still ongoing.
Third, as part of the both surveys people could be asked to perform a Compatibility Scan from the Pogo Help page if they have experienced this failure. The scan identifies the browser/version and the operating system that is used. Also helpful would be some guidance for how to copy, paste and post the information from the scan at some place that can be reviewed by the Pogo team, because many players may not be experienced at doing that.
Finally, if you are a player having this 85% loading failure with Mahjong Garden HD while using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers, try using the Microsoft Edge browser if you have Windows on your computer. Some people are reporting that the failure occurs when using other browsers, but did not occur when using Edge.