Roughly 4 years ago (perhaps a little longer) a CM came into this forum and clearly called “Burger Farming” an unacceptable activity (I would use the term “illegal” but someone might take offense) and the activity was addressed with corrective measures. I suggest following this advice with caution,
The suggestion to get rid of all items but war is not consistent with what I’ve been seeing for a very long time...this “neighbor” request for hamburgers shows up a couple of times a week along with many other items...if purchasing is profitable purchase the item in the Global Market and if not move on. From a true economic perspective the production of hamburgers is one of the least cost effective ways to generate revenue...they are costly to produce, take significant time to manufacture the components and quite often you have to wait 3 days for them to sell to Daniel. People confuse a higher selling price with generating more does not. In a given week I will generate 3 times the revenue by selling items at one-fourth the selling price (with a discount) than someone selling only hamburgers. This isn’t a theory, we proved that as a club over a 4 week period with 4 mayors rotating with each mayor producing only hamburgers for one week while the others produced less expensive every case the individual producing hamburgers generated the least revenue.
In January of 2020 I responded to this question in a thread with a very similar title by sharing:
“My friend Roco has provided some very sound advice. What I recommend to folks in my club is to produce items that are not readily found in the market and most folks need at a price that represents value - items such as nails, vegetables, flour bags, chairs, etc. will move quickly and if you keep manufacturing facilities running and your market turning you will generate revenue - but as Rocco shared it takes patience. Make sure to open every bubble in your city and every city you visit - it is an excellent source to help generate revenue. I hope this helps...good luck.”