Forum Discussion
It's pre alpha, these things don't get added until beta.
I feel like you've gone in to this thinking you're going to play a complete game you're not you're testing a buggy not even alpha build of the games.
I feel like they've given these codes out too easy any should have only given them to people that know the difference between pre alpha, alpha and beta versions of a game.
I actually like the art style, bro I have **bleep** and a pee pee and a massive booty then game is hilarious rolling around at the speed of sound.
Honestly, if you're not having fun finding glitches and exploits maybe play skate 3 ATM myself and a few others are trying to get a recomplimed version of skate one working on pc using the xenon decompiler but it's taking a bit longer than expected to everyone in our discord but it'll get done eventually.
again, why are you excusing a multi billion dollar company? are we all forgetting that when Battlefield 4 was in Pre Alpha played better and they actually listened to us and the feed back, the whole point of my post is that theres no originality, theres nothing SKATE about skate its a bland borning mock up of a wallet simulator with some "missions" that change every 24 hours.
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