17 hours agoSeasoned Novice
Playing with a PS4 Controller
Has someone been able to play with a PS4 Controler ?
When I was able to play a second ago before all this "Configuring" Loop, my Game kept switching between XBONE Controler, Keyboard, and PS Controler Layouts really quickly (Regarding the Inputs it demanded).
The Controler seemingly worked fine, however as soon as I shifted the Left Analog Stick to the Right, the Game somehow thought im using the D-Pad and kept opening the Contacts List. So I cant even walk/run/ride to the Left.
Anybody had the same Issue or is also using a PS4 Controler ?
I've figured it out ;
- Open Device Manager, View -> Show Hidden Devices, Check for any Hidden Xbox 360 Controler left behind by DS4, Deinstall it if you found one
- Restart your PC
- Close Steam
- Start Skate
Also make sure that you dont have any Similar Program to DS4 open