You've been very active for some time now, and I really appreciate this. However, next time a subject you don't know about is brought up, it's better that you ask a colleague who knows about it to answer it for you, or at least make it clear it's something you aren't familiar with. The frustration in OP's responses to you are driven solely on having to explain this aspect of the game to you, who by your position should be the one bringing clarity, not the other way around (at least from the perspective of the client, which is him).
You implied he was talking about a Kenobi Voice Line, when it's clear he was talking about the Maul's Voice Line which is titled 'Kenobi' and makes Darth Maul speak the thrilling line: 'Kenobi' with his ominous voice. He replied confirming it wasn't anything related to Obi-Wan Kenobi, but rather with Darth Maul (or the previous event as he mentioned) but then you assumed it could be the Victory Pose. From where you came up with this is unknown to me.
Then you assume he isn't 'hearing' the Voice Line suggesting a power cycle could solve the issue. He made himself clear the voice line is in the menus, but ingame it's not anywhere to be found. It was never an issue of hearing it, but rather of how to trigger it ingame. And then you finish it with saying the team is investigating it and asking for a screenshot, which is standard procedure and doesn't add anything to the client reporting his issue.
As I answered above, he mentioned Emote Wheel, but Voice Lines are triggered in the VO Wheel, not the Emote Wheel. Supposing he was using the wrong wheel should be the first thing to come to mind when he stated he can't see this Voice Line in the Emote Wheel, as he shouldn't see it there indeed, because it doesn't belong there after all.