I've been watching these forums for the last 11 days now because I have the same problem as you. There have been many many posts just like yours and many players experiencing the same issues yet the moderators of these forums just keep posting the same troubleshooting advice. The problem is not on the players end, there is an issue with the game and EA has yet to even acknowledge it. Probably because these forums are moderated by players who want forum EXP and keep posting the same info over and over again. I've been hoping a real employee would at least acknowledge the existence of this issue so my fellow PC brethren can stop wasting their time trying to fix this game on their end when nothing you can possibly do will help. But they haven't, they just continue to let it go. I suppose its entirely possible that they made one last cash grab with the latest edition and have now handed the forums over to the users and could care less what happens with the game or the players. At least that's what this all feels like at this point. I guess my point of all this is, don't waste the next few days trying to repair a game that is broken on the developers end. Hope it gets sorted soon.