No joystick support? Really?
Battlefront 2. Amazing game.
It has starfighters! The ultimate fantasy for any dyed in the wool flightsim / fighterpilot / dogfighting / starwars fanatic.
Yet in 2021 Battlefield 2 has no Joystick support by default?
Honestly, how hard is it to programme Joystick support into this game? I have development experience (C++, C#, JAVA, etc...) this cannot be such a big issue that you cannot get some code junkie to just bash in in there over the weekend, maybe two weekends! WTF? (edit: Even modders have managed to port the XBox controls to a joystick it seems, and EA cannot?) Are joysticks THAT unpopular that you just don't bother with them? Are you really THAT focused on current generation trends that you are blind to the larger possibilities of this fantastic game? That is borderline disrespectful to joystick gamers AND your artists that spent time on this game. Can't you just fix that for the few thousand that do want it?
Anyway... I'm probably just getting old. Being cool is a thing of the past. Being trendy / arrogant is the new cool. The priorities of these gaming studios baffles me sometimes.
Come on guys!
If you search the forum, you will see that some have gotten their joystick working; others have not.
At this point in the game's lifecycle (no updates being released), we've got what we've got.
If you haven't tried Star Wars Squadrons, you may want to give that a go.