@SluggersDelight @Edairman198526
Don’t expect most of the “community managers” to address anything anymore. There are one or two who will chime in on occasion but most just can’t be bothered and truth be told really never could. Most of the “community managers” appeared to be more focused around trying to convince those who posted with issues that they were either being looked at or weren’t really problems at all.
While I’ll definitely say EA is garbage the issues we all have here are moreso DICE than anyone else. It was the developers who CHOSE to pack this game full of bad choices such as:
* crap input stacking
* crap hit detection
* “last chance” logic
* character & class imbalances
* over cluttered maps
* poor combat logic structure
* and worst of all: tiered progression … i.e. where in game testing lower level characters and classes benefited from different stats than prestige leveled ones.
Most of the choices the Devs made through this games lifespan got worse and worse and the folks at DICE couldn’t be bothered to come here, to these forums, to discuss and evaluate issues .. no, instead where did they go? Reddit polls and cherry picked influencers who they hoped would promote the game for them.
in the end, BF 2 (and subsequently Battlefield 2042) both prove that the devs at DICE aren’t capable of producing video games beyond a visual aspect. All they care about are the visuals; that’s where they put their time. News flash: you guys aren’t a movie studio! You’re not Disney! You’re not filing the next trilogy!
It isn’t a matter of them not being qualified it’s a matter of their inability to include quality mechanics; they just don’t have the sense for it.
I don’t know what would possess them to think that giving a lower level player the “last chance” ability to escape with 10 hp or to ignore an ability or shot with various “immunities” was somehow going to create a rewarding gameplay.
Long & short, the Devs at DICE really should do something else for work because developing quality games isn’t something they’re good at.