Hi @HFMKentaro !
I directly ask someone from EA who made a comment before and he was not recieving yet. I think in this situation they should give us an update, if the data of our accounts are still there or saved. This could have been checked really fast in my opinion, because they should have access to the Cloud data.
If you write somehting against the rules in here, it is really fast taken out, with this EA is fast, but not to give a reply after 3 days?
I only said what I am thinking about this situation and bug and I am not the only one.
I hate this leveling/ranking system from the beginning and I hope EA will wipe it out of the game or only let it for those who need this carrot.
I hate to see people entering lobbys in hvv blaming EA for bad match making and leaving.
That makes me hate this system more and more.
By the way I have a big friendlist in Origin and I am the only one suffering from this bug. Why?
I think you can understand that this is making me upset too.
In general you are right, it's only a game, but I like to play with the "friends" and I really don't know if this new levels can make things worse with cloud syncro, mabye backups are overritten or so.
In the case EA is not going to find a fix for this. I hope they will at least max out everything with me, or blank all my level fully and make leveling impossible for me.
Leveling is destroying the game, because most of the players want to get the kill and play for their own most of the time.
Thanks and Greetings