Not sure if this is an entirely different sound bug or the same one prior to the patch but downgraded but I definitely think something is still a bit screwy with the sound, but not on the same severity as the sound bug prior to the patch.
Just now I was in a GA Kashyyk match on the Separatist side and throughout the entire match my sound was cutting in and out, but in a different way than before. It would cut out suddenly, then a muffled echo of an explosion or gunfire would follow with a split second of irregular static, silence for a few seconds, then all of the sound would return. There was no real specific time-frame between when it happened either, it was either a few seconds or a few minutes before the next one would occur. The thing is though that it was never permanent, so the sound would stop, do all of the above, then return just fine and not once was sound gone for more than a minute, even 30 seconds I would say, so that is definitely a good thing compared to what it used to be.
After the match ended I was swapped over to the Republic on the same map, and I had no sound issues at all during that round. Map change, two rounds of Death Star II due to the Halloween event and no sound issues. As far as I know, this is either the same sound bug as before but downgraded or a completely different sound bug. Thankfully though it isn't permanent so I don't have to restart the game to get sound back and it was just for that one round, so either it was a weird one off or it is a bug that will happen at random intervals.
I'll try to record it if it happens again and post it here.
*EDIT* Happened again on Naboo on the Separatist side and lasted for that round, next round the sound was fine. Here is the video of it: