Thank you for your interest, I also found a new way and I would like to share it with you, sharing information is beautiful.
After stopping the game with ESC, we can click on the SCOREBOARD button and select the player we want and go to their profile.
Although I am not a new player, I found this by chance. "Some" malicious cheaters in the game prefer an optical illusion to avoid being reported. I will have to call it bug abuse because it serves this purpose.
If the player's name has "II", these characters may not be the letter "I". They prefer not to be reported with the lowercase letter "L".
For example: IL-NICK-LI but you see it in the game as II-NICK-II and this ensures that they are not on the list so they cannot be reported, but none of these are necessary in the method I mentioned, click on that player's name and report what is necessary to the team, done.
I wish we could report him right away, without having to do any of this, by just clicking an exclamation mark next to the player's nickname on TAB (I wish there was a button like this). Fortunately, the forum has been updated and I have a little hope (a very little hope). Hope is good.