What will happen to my progress if I repurchase after a refund?
For some reason my game is language locked, I cannot get it to run on english (no english audio either). I'm forced to play in my native language and locked away from English forever. Tried multiple approaches to solve this, but the only one I have left is to refund and repurchase.
I'd like to refund and repurchase the english version in the future, what will happen to my multiplayer loot and progress?
If I won't be able to keep my progress then I doubt I will ever purchase something from Origin again
For other titles, multiplayer progress is kept so that players have something to go back to, what about Battlefront 2?
- Hi @Tejdzik
The progress, the unlocked items and others things follow the EA User ID and are saved in the EA server cloud, so if you sell/lost/broke your game, when you will buy it again you will start where you have finished (same if you have had a version ex standard an purchase another version ex Deluxe)
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[I do not work for EA!]