Yes it is a shame that EA doesn't want to utilize the functions that Steam offers. However, considering the release of Command and Conquer it seems like EA is handling upcoming titles different than older ones.
My guess is that all the old games that already exist and are bound to Origin will just hit steam in shape of a "shortcut". Meaning, Steam is going to load those games on Origin and due to EA's laziness, they will still require Origin and won't support Achievements. Somehow, they can't add Steam achievements to games which have not been overhauled in order to get rid of Origin and ensure a native Steam accessibility. Meaning, every game that requires Origin to start doesn't support Steam features except of trading cards. Probably because of technical reasons, I don't know.
But taking Command and Conquer into account it seems like as if EA is handling upcoming titles differently. Probably, upcoming titles will not be using Origin and therefore, they'll be utilizing Steam Achievements etc. Best example is, as already mentioned, Command and Conquer.
This is not an excuse, though. In my opinion, every single game should be running on Steam natively WITHOUT the requirement of Origin, which is an expendable launcher that acts as a fifth wheel on the wagon. I mean, EA is receiving more money because of Steam without having the will to put a little bit of effort in those games in order to make them work appropriately on Steam. Just copy on Origin and paste into Steam.
As I said, we might be seeing new games that haven't been released yet on Origin to come to Steam natively with Steam Achievements but I don't think that we will see older games which have that feature implemented. That's a shame...