Forum Discussion
I created a new Windows user and had the same effect.
I do note that when I tried to start the game on my old laptop it worked and didn't show the octagon/circle load page but went right into selecting the accessibility options.
The game is creating CrashDump files (about 2.5 MB each) after each crash. Do you have the capability to debug MDMP files?
- 2 years ago
I opened the debug files in Visual Studios and the error is "The Thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access"
Google shows me various possible fixes. I tried changing my memory timing to default 2400 MHz with no effect.
I'm trying various things now but if anyone has any insight I'd love some.
- EA_Illium2 years ago
Community Manager
- 2 years ago
Repairing EAC had no effect.
Changed my memory timings to several other speeds, and it didn't do anything either.
I ran both windows memory diagnostic and my BIOS memory tester and both came out fine.
I have run the game in compatibility mode for windows 8 and 7 with no effect.
I'm running out of things to try...
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- 8 days ago