4 years ago
Can't Subscribe to SWTOR
Hello, I have a problem with subscribing. How to solve this error message? There is an issue with your Electronic Arts account which will prevent SWTOR purchases until resolved. Please contact cust...
Yeah I've already sent the e-mail for the steam purchase a while back, thanks.
I just remembered one thing that I should probably mention that might be (or definitely is) the cause of this account issue I'm having.
A long time ago I had a different e-mail used for this swtor account but I quit the game and after returning I couldn't get back in the game because that e-mail got blocked so I had a long chat with the live call support and had them change my account to another email (a new one I created just for the game) so that's probably why I had no EA account for this swtor username, so I'm guessing that's why I'm having all this trouble right now. I'm just not sure why it's happening now when it was working just fine at the beginning.
The linked EA account has the persona suicidalxmonkey and uses a hotmail email
call swtor support when the lines open if you dont have access to that email and update it on that ea account to one you can access
can't subscribe too already contacted payment provider
Swtor account Roggia
I am also having issues.
Login name is Dramhidel
I am currently having this problem as well. Account name is Damronsh
I have the same problem cant subscribe to swtor.
My name is Ramled
Support said you will need to call them when the lines open to resolve the account issue , should be an easy fix though
Hi, I have the same issue. Getting the following error message when I try to subscribe at swtor.com:
There is an issue with your Electronic Arts account which will prevent SWTOR purchases until resolved. Please contact customer support (https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-support) for further assistance.
I have tried the recommended solution by reseting the password on my EA account, logging into my SWTOR account with Chrome in incognito mode to purchase the subscription, but it has not worked. Please help!
SWTOR name: TrooperEos
In advance; thank you!
You need to reset the password on the linked EA account that account has the persona markvilar (not markvilar93 your posting on now) that EA account uses a hotmail email ( that email is different to the swtor email)
use the following link to reset the password https://signin.ea.com/p/web2/resetPassword then login on that EA account to fix the swtor account for purchasing
for future purchases, use incognito mode on chrome initially if you purchase on swtor.com to be sure browser cache and cookies is cleared
Hey my SWTOR account user name is xxGammaGamerxx and I'm having the same issue. Can't seem to subscribe through the website and gives me this error message:
There is an issue with your Electronic Arts account which will prevent SWTOR purchases until resolved. Please contact customer support (https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-support) for further assistance.
I am having the same problem. My swtor username is xXxDarkXLightxXx and everytime i try to subscribe, my payment method fails.
Hello, I am having the same problems. I contacted support and had my EA account password reset and still nothing has happened. I've tried to pay through the website itself and it won't let me. My swtor username is TestChamber.
You need to reset the password on the linked EA account that account has the persona banesniper (not trodai94 your posting on now) that EA account uses a gmail email different to what is on the swtor account
use the following link to reset the password https://signin.ea.com/p/web2/resetPassword then login on that EA account to fix the swtor account for purchasing
for future purchases, use incognito mode on chrome initially if you purchase on swtor.com to be sure browser cache and cookies is cleared
You will need to raise a ticket at help.ea.com for a banned ea/origin account with the persona carriec572 mail look compromised.
once that account is fixed the swtor account will work again
You need to reset the password on the linked EA account that account has the persona testsubject401 (not MultiSubject401 your posting on now) that EA account uses a gmail email it is different to what is on the swtor account
use the following link to reset the password https://signin.ea.com/p/web2/resetPassword then login on that EA account to fix the swtor account for purchasing
for future purchases, use incognito mode on chrome initially if you purchase on swtor.com to be sure browser cache and cookies is cleared
Having the same issue here. My SWTOR name is Elektroputzi.
Steam subscription didn't work either btw.
Be sure to email per the sticky https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/INFO-Steam-Purchase-Not-Working/td-p/9356718/jump-to/first-unread-message
Edit: other then that your account is ok , if your seeing an error message on swtor.com , try using incognito mode with chrome or delete the web browser cache and cookies
I am having the same issue and hope to have it resolved
Username: Hehalf
You need to reset the password on the linked EA account that account has a generated persona (not Hehalf your posting with now) that EA account uses a bk.ru email (may be compromised)
use this link to reset the password then login on that EA account to fix the swtor account for purchasing
for future purchases, use incognito mode on chrome initially if you purchase on swtor.com to be sure browser cache and cookies is cleared
same problem
login amorphlex