4 years ago
Can't Subscribe to SWTOR
Hello, I have a problem with subscribing. How to solve this error message? There is an issue with your Electronic Arts account which will prevent SWTOR purchases until resolved. Please contact cust...
You need to reset the password on the linked EA account that account has the persona markvilar (not markvilar93 your posting on now) that EA account uses a hotmail email ( that email is different to the swtor email)
use the following link to reset the password https://signin.ea.com/p/web2/resetPassword then login on that EA account to fix the swtor account for purchasing
for future purchases, use incognito mode on chrome initially if you purchase on swtor.com to be sure browser cache and cookies is cleared
I am having the same problem. My swtor username is xXxDarkXLightxXx and everytime i try to subscribe, my payment method fails.
You will need to raise a ticket at help.ea.com for a banned ea/origin account with the persona carriec572 mail look compromised.
once that account is fixed the swtor account will work again