I recently Bought 4 Races in SWTOR but i cant use them
Every time i try to make a new character it tells me that i need to buy the very same races that i have allready paid for this is very annoying considering that i really want to play as those races, if i dont get to use the races i paid for and claimed in the Cartel Store then i would like a refund.
bear with me here as I don't know exactly why this hasn't worked but
Each character has it's own phase of the cartel market so you can only claim the race unlocks on the character that bought them. Once claimed from the market you have to right click them in your inventory to actually apply the unlock to your account. Just buying the unlock is not enough you have to claim and consume it. All races are for the server you are on only, except : Cathar and Togruta which unlock for all servers. Hope this helps.