Star Wars The Old Republic
- 10 months ago
When swtor was released it was a subscriber only , the initial purchase provided 30 days of gametime, it was then moved to a free 2 play model as it is todayhave a look at scroll down to disciplines
All Skills (except for Speeder Piloting) are now auto-trained on all Characters as soon as they’re earned.
We’ve also made it easier than ever before for you to switch Disciplines. You don't have to visit the Skills Mentor on the Fleet anymore. You also don’t need to use a Field Respecialization Droid as long as:
- You’re not in combat.
- You’re not inside a phased group area.
To change your Discipline:
- Open your Character Sheet (press C by default).
- Select the Combat Style tab.
- Select the Discipline you want to switch to.
There's a short timer on Discipline changes to make it easier for you to switch again if you misclicked. Whenever you switch Disciplines, you automatically train all skills for that Discipline.