STEAM-PC Login Error "We can't log you in" - <RESOLVED!>
- Fresh install of SWTOR on steam
- start SWTOR launcher - logged in using free to play account - authentication successful - closed game
- start SWTOR launcher - change display name to main preferred account - unable to login - error message received:
"We can't log you in. Please double-check you're using the Steam account you usually play on and try again."
- logged in to SWTOR website using preferred account credentials - authentication successful - not credentials issue
IT appears that the very first account you log into when using steam bound SWTOR launcher will then link / associate your steam userid to the SWTOR account.
Why then, are you given the option in the launcher to input different account credentials if this option is locked out by design when using steam.
workaround - delete game from steam - download and install standalone client
Tactical short term:
1) implement a WARNING sign to end users installing and running steam SWTOR launcher at the point of entering SWTOR account credentials - THIS SWTOR ACCOUNT WILL BE LOCKED TO YOUR STEAM ACCOUNT - then remove the option to change the Display Name in a bespoke version of the launcher for steam client
Strategic long term:
2) remove the account lock down link feature to the steam account (required to manage future steam achievements?!?) allowing freedom of end user SWTOR account login irrespective of steam account.
There will be an option soon to unlink the swtor account see