SWTOR error Subscription
I have returned after a year and I cannot subscribe with my debit card, nor with Paypal, it allows me to add the Paypal payment method, but when I pay, I do not get the invoice and in the history it appears as failed.
In the case of the debit card, there is an option that is for both credit and debit, but even if you select "visa debit" the following message appears:
"We'r sorry, but we can't perform transactions to this credit card. Please load a different one"... even tho is a debit card!
SWTOR display name: edubarra
my swtor account is not linked to any other account, also, the email for swtor and EA is different.
I hope that Yoda guy can help me.
An EA account was created when the swtor account was created using the email address used on creation per https://help.ea.com/au/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-account-linked/Common for this issue is that the linked ea account has been disabled needing a password reset, that EA account likley uses the same email address you have used to create the swtor account originally, so if you have changed the email on the swtor account though, try using the original email used on the swtor account
use this link to reset the password then login on that EA account
Be sure to use incognito mode with chrome or delete the browser cache and cookies to be sure it isnt cached if purchasing on swtor.com
otherwise call swtor support when the lines are open https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Getting-help-with-SW-TOR-from-another-country...