Blog Post
- oliturg2 months agoNew Adventurer
Nope, haven't got mine
- Attomisk2 months agoRising Rookie
Still haven't got my 2023 incentives. Sucks that that prevented me from donating through you guys this year.
- InterstellarX12 months agoRising Adventurer
No problem! And thank you! I really needed those goodies great delayed surprise.
- Vikinglord242 months agoNew Spectator
that shouldnt stop you from helping out other people
- gymghi2 months agoNew Scout
Got the shards etc, thanks, can't see the portrait or title, what are they? I have the 2023 hoda portrait, is it the same?
- TheMightyPotter2 months agoRising Novice
Not got mine. I donated $50 and still not received anything
- xviw049jvgjq2 months agoSeasoned Traveler
Thanks Meathead. I did receive mine!
- Gotrek812 months agoNew Spectator
Good. Evening all - I also spend something to helps another people in this „Extra Life Charity Event“ - so hope it would be a short moment of sun in there eyes… for those people which need help.
Until today the incentives in my inbox - i see nothing about it. So the inbox are not achived… I hope this would come the next times? - Attomisk2 months agoRising Rookie
I am not sure if you are talking to me or not. I donated directly through extra life. I am not helping CG with their donations because their incentives are not guaranteed.
- Chosensun9482 months agoNew Spectator
I still haven't gotten mine either. My ally code is 865-273-669