Forum Discussion

M_sox13's avatar
7 years ago

2019 wishlist

Hey so I have a couple things that I’d like to be added or improved in 2019:
1.)rework/additions to glactic republic and separatists. Add padme for GR along with more clones. Like Fox, Wolfe, Gregor, Heavy, Waxer, Boil, Jesse, Kicks etc. Then for the separatists, add b1 battle droid, driodikas, and trench. Make trench a fleet commander and add GG’s ship into the game along with Kenobi’s. Rework the magnaguards so they gain huge buffs when with GG. And add geonosia as a territory war and I’d love that. I know it’s a lot of content. But we all love clone wars.
2.) add hux and snoke. The first Oder faction needs these two characters. Hux could be the fleet commander and play like tarkin. And I’m really surprised Snoke still isn’t in the game at this point.
3.) a new legendary Liea. She needs an awesome version that makes her the best support character in the game and then add her to the OT falcon with Han, chewie, and C3PO. The OT Falcon needs to be a top 2 ship in the game.
4.) Jedi Luke, and his X-wing, and make the X-wing with R2D2. I thought BB8 would’ve been on Poe’s ship but yah I think this needs to be in the game. Like Jedi Luke is literally on the game loading page.
5.) I think Jedi Anikin and Mace need a zeta. And Fulcrum should have either the Jedi or Phoenix yah to make her a bit more useful.
6.) the Y wing, A wing from rebels and the bomber from the empire could be added but I don’t know who the pilot would yah.
7.) Darth revan, Satile Shan, Darth malgus, Darth Malak, and add the old republic tags to sion, nihlus, traya, and HK-47.

I just want to say that I think capitol games did an amazing job with the game this year and I know what I’m asking for is a lot. But just something to think of. Thanks.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Mace needs more than a zeta, he needs a full blown overhaul. "Sometimes expose a random target and lose it if you don't use Mace's turn to pop it" is laughably worthless. When he came out and Expose was basically a death sentence, it made sense to limit it like that, but now it just highlights how old and busted he is. His special is incredibly mundane as well. Like, a dispel is handy to have, but we have characters now that just dispel on their basic, making it equally old and busted without some additional effect.

    Of course his leadership is also junk, though that's true of pretty much any Jedi lead other than Bastila or Revan now.

    It was nice seeing him wreck face when he got his temporary TW buff. Obviously that version was crazy overpowered, but something in between that and his current state would be nice.
  • Padme amidala. she been waiting forever and she deserves a release.

    Change Vet Han to give out exposes with his multi hit or basic and change his tag to add resitence.

    id love to see a nabooan force, with both gugans and padme royal court
  • Ok this is fun, I will go through your points like someone before me did! :D
    1.) I completely agree with Padme, she has been missing for way too long in this game. Best would be a release together with her Naboo ship. But, as much as I love all the clones, wouldn't make much sense to me to have more in the game than for one good team needed. Better rework the existing ones, or more Jedi leader abilities to synergise with clones, too.
    2.) Naaah... uninteresting.
    3.) Hmm... of course Leia is great in all variations, but we have too many duplicates in this game already, 5 Hans and now 4 Chewies, right? I wouldn't exactly mind another Leia, but my wish list rather goes for characters that would be completely new into the game.
    4.) Same as for point 3, no need for a 3rd Luke... and we already have 2 X-Wings. Of course R2-D2 in a ship would be iconic, but difficult as it would make no sense if one X-Wing has the spot for an R2-unit, while the other ones don't, or would it?
    5.) Yes to Anakin's zeta, no to Windu's. It would make the essential difference, as Anakin was the Chosen One - and becoming Vader, he has 2 zetas - would make perfect sense :) . But Ahsoka at the time she becomes Fulcrum is no Jedi anymore, and she was never really a part of the Phoenix crew, sadly such a tag would be against her lore.
    6.) The ship is really missing in this game, but I also have no idea of which (common) character could be added to fly it. Guess CG had the same problem and that's part of the reason why we don't have one, even though it's on the starting picture?
    7.) A definite YES to the characters mentioned!!! :) I like Satele so much more than Bastila, she's wise and awesome... one of the few "really and truely" Jedi (grand) masters in lore who never showed any kind of hybris at all. But no to the OR tag for Sith, the only one who should get it retrospectively is HK-47. The Sith never belonged to the Old Republic as a faction, but HK did for a while. Darth Revan is coming anyway... oh but you forgot Darth Marr!
    8.) The last point is for my own personal #1 wish: forget about all the rest and pleeease give me a TIE Defender Elite! B) Captain Skeriss could be added to pilot it.
  • As a crazed Mace fan I definitely would love a rework. Make Invincible Assault's Omega capstone actually be invincible: cannot be evaded or resisted.

    Change Shatterpoint to a Zeta of some sort.
  • I think the game is strong, and the theory crafting that grand arena has developed is fun. Of course I’d love to see Jedi Luke, with the possibilities of a Jedi Faction tune up. I’d also like to see the Separatist, droids and Clones get some love.
    That said, I wouldn’t want to see Jawas get a reworking (or any semi-known weaker character set). There might be a way of making jawas a purely anti droid faction, but I’d never like to see them compete with Empire or Sith characters. A Jawa anti droid team in grand arena could be what is needed in the future if droids ever get a powerful leader.
    I think the possibilities of making specific anti teams is there.
  • i wish more characters of old republic e.g. Meetra Surik, lord scourge, hero of tython, darth bane. and characters from books e.g. Darth Plegueis, Nakari Kelen, Eli Vanto, Arihnda Pryce, Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree.