Mace needs more than a zeta, he needs a full blown overhaul. "Sometimes expose a random target and lose it if you don't use Mace's turn to pop it" is laughably worthless. When he came out and Expose was basically a death sentence, it made sense to limit it like that, but now it just highlights how old and busted he is. His special is incredibly mundane as well. Like, a dispel is handy to have, but we have characters now that just dispel on their basic, making it equally old and busted without some additional effect.
Of course his leadership is also junk, though that's true of pretty much any Jedi lead other than Bastila or Revan now.
It was nice seeing him wreck face when he got his temporary TW buff. Obviously that version was crazy overpowered, but something in between that and his current state would be nice.