Forum Discussion

RockYourWorldBi's avatar
4 years ago

3V3 - What is ur say?

Let's gather some data. 3v3 GAC. Are you loving it or hating it?
  • The poll also have a 3rd option of balancing needed. Do make suggestions if there are any balances u can think of :)
  • Really like it! You gotta do quite some thinking outside the box and you see novel squads, learning a lot in the process.

    Can't talk about GLs. I imagine these matchups would be nightmarish if you don't have your own 'counter-proper' GL.
  • "TVF;c-2218178" wrote:
    "TuviaDawg;c-2218159" wrote:
    3v3's really mess up my important squads

    So make new ones.

    thx for the advise, lol I feel stupid for not thinking that
  • Some improvements. Give us feats that fits into 3v3.

    This round we have top Intel for BB8. 20 times ID... How is this possible for 3v3? Where it is already so fast?
  • rymas1's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Looooki;c-2218462" wrote:
    Some improvements. Give us feats that fits into 3v3.

    This round we have top Intel for BB8. 20 times ID... How is this possible for 3v3? Where it is already so fast?

    BB8 doesnt need to give it out, just the first one. any special attack will reapply it once one is there, so if you get to an illuminated destiny you likely will have it.
  • rymas1's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I dont mind it. I dislike GA and PVE content in general so it is really just something to do.

    Speaking of PVE, I would love a game mode called Faction Wars. They could build it off the same GC platform and rotate the factions around. Say they pick Sith as their defense faction with Palpy lead. you cannot kill the leader till all the faction allies are dead. when one ally dies, another Sith from the bench fills in the spot until they are all dead. Then you can kill the leader.

    Likewise whatever faction you choose will do the same thing. Say you use Jedi and your Yoda Dies, your next Jedi will slide into that spot until all your jedi are killed (then your leader). It would be interesting to try and balance when you start with stronger toons and hope to clear, or go in mid then weak and save your strongest for the end. It could actually make use of the down-bench toons we all have and dont use anywhere.

    It would need to be tiered out and probably too impossible to balance for a PVP mode, but as a PVE option, i think it would be an interesting spin off from GCs.
  • "TuviaDawg;c-2218453" wrote:
    "TVF;c-2218178" wrote:
    "TuviaDawg;c-2218159" wrote:
    3v3's really mess up my important squads

    So make new ones.

    thx for the advise, lol I feel stupid for not thinking that

    You're welcome. Don't feel bad, we all come here for help.
  • I know I'm well known as a complainer but I can't stand 3v3. It's interesting in some ways, but the fewer you have in a squad the less interesting it is... which maybe is the very thing that makes it more interesting to some. But, I'm biased I guess. I'm built for 5 man squads period. 3v3 is good probably for those 5m GP and higher that have enough relics to actually do something in a 3. I dunno. I just never try as hard or care as much as 5v5. I feel like RNG is a much greater factor in 3v3. The more RNG the less control I have and the less meaning it all has.