This requirement to need to hit an individual quota of banners in order to get the rewards for Territory War has come to my attention today after members of the guild I lead were complaining about it in our guild chat.
The lack of transparency of whenever this change to Territory Wars went into effect has me FURIOUS.
From the beginning of Territory Wars, our guild’s approach was to encourage people to join and “get the defenses filled” but not to micro-manage the details beyond different strategies we’d try with how to zone our defenses.
The rewards messages that I have received to this day state that ALL participants in the War would get the rewards. But, apparently for the last few months, if not longer, that has NOT been the case.
Apparently the game developers think that my officers and I don’t have lives outside this game… that we have time to be on throughout the setup period to monitor and direct all the defense placements to ensure each person who signed up for the War meets, but does not exceed their quota, so that all those who joined can set their minimum required defenses too.
Not that there are ANY controls that allow you to remove or move squads once they have been placed. The only recourse we have against any guild member who might overstep and set too many defenses, thus blocking others from being able to achieve their minimum quota, would be to kick them from the guild. But, how is that fair… to deal out punishment for not sticking to a quota/limit THAT NONE OF US KNEW EXISTED!! There are various places where messages could and should be used to indicate that expectation.
So, I came to the forum to express my displeasure, which I have now done. The change was unnecessary, not communicated appropriately (if ever / at all) in the game, and seriously impacts the experience of the already incredibly frustrating process of trying to run a successful Territory War.
I hope that I have conveyed the intensity of my feelings on this matter, despite the fact the I have resisted to urge to curse and swear. /end rant.