I've actually advocated for mods to have this capability - specifically including the cap of 4 on increases - because of LS Geo TB in particular. Being 7*, r7 isn't enough in most cases. Imagine trying to go through those battles with 6x5E mods on each of your characters & you understand what I'm saying.
But of course you need multiple things -speed, offense, survivability - to make all this work. So what to do? You hold the line on max increases but allow more total increases and you get a single mod that can do more than one job.
So this is a tool that is needed, and has been needed for about a year now, and I won't complain that it's here.
That said, I'm very disappointed that GCs are the mechanism being used to distribute these mods, and in particular the use of GC feats. CG has shown repeatedly that they are doing very poorly with these designs. The ease with which SLKR completes the event designed for Resistance to shine is only the most obvious case on point.
As for the inability of any player to use crystals to get these mats more quickly well. I'm agnostic about that. It limits the ability of whales to jump ahead of others, but it also limits my ability to use my high crystal income to catch up to whales, and most importantly it limits the ability of anyone to get multiple teams together for LS Geo TB where these mods are actually needed. (Before you say PvP - obviously they weren't needed for PVP. If 2 weeks from now they backtracked and got rid of 6D-6A & we'd be right where we are today and PvP wouldn't be any harder at all.)
I have zero god mods. I'll likely get my first 25+ speed mod because of this change. Plus my 20+ speed mods will likely add offense or survivability or both, which are still needed for LS Geo and the high-end ABs and GCs. But I'm not happy about this. I need 6x5 = 30 mods to outfit a single squad, and I need to outfit 5 squads for LS Geo alone. That's 150 mods. Will I be done with that minimum task 6 months from now? I doubt it, but I'm willing to wait for the facts to come in.
Until then, I remain of the opinion that this is a change that was necessary a year ago for LS TB and that GC is probably the wrong distribution vehicle since that means we will be unlikely to make much progress on equipping our LS Geo squads for far too many months yet.