I actually had one day this week with nothing to do but dailies and collect energy ... no events, no raids, no nothing ... so what do we get? The opportunity to randomly upgrade our mods four more times (capped at five upgrades -- fine) using materials behind the Galactic Challenge events that show up, what, weekly and are done in a few minutes ... and I wouldn't be surprised if they reduced the current rewards because now they giving us this new crap.
The mod management in GOH already sucks ... how about a quality of life update on mod management first? Especially since the code has apparently been reworked to allow all sorts of cool new things. I hate when I have to spend an hour or two upgrading and selling mods that I've accumulated. It's actually caused me to NOT want to buy/farm mods and avoid the events that keep dropping useless health mod after health mod.
This is a minor change ... and four more opportunities to not watch a speed secondary get upgraded.
Yes, this is a negative rant... but I'd like CG to do something to increase the enjoyment of the game rather than create another thing to farm ... ugh.