9 years ago
A new approach to Mods
Get rid of the Mod Store and convert it to a Mod shop. Instead of random mods, most of which are useless, make it so Players can go in and design and purchase a mod that would actually be of use to them. All mods would be rare level, and depending on what you add to the mod by way of stats, that will determine the final cost of the mod. Since speed is key to all mods, it will have the most impact on price. However, the best designed mod should NOT be any more expensive that what the game already asks for (approx 3300 crystals or 4 mil credits). This approach is for we f2p individuals who would like to have at least our arena team outfitted to be competitive. Whales are going to spend to outfit their entire roster for raids and all, but who cares, I just need 5 toons that have a chance in arena and GW.
In addition, I would drop the lower star mods as drops for level 2 and 3 in mod challenges. Drop rate sucks as it is. Even more irritating getting a 3* mod on a tier 3 battle, rather than a 5* one. Just sayin.
In addition, I would drop the lower star mods as drops for level 2 and 3 in mod challenges. Drop rate sucks as it is. Even more irritating getting a 3* mod on a tier 3 battle, rather than a 5* one. Just sayin.