"LordGrahck;c-2314326" wrote:
Given that Starkiller and Dash Rendar are the player characters of first person shooter/Action games from 2008 and prior, I have a few guesses as to who the final three could be.
1) Dark Forces: Kyle Katarn
I'm referring to the OG Kyle from the first game of the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series. If they do release a Jedi version of Kyle, then it could be as a heroes journey event. The Dark Forces Kyle could be a character to boost the Rogue One team since his story seems to have inspired Rogue One, and many of the characters reflect him and Jan Ors.
2) Mysteries of the SIth: Mara Jade
I would love to see Mara Jade enter the game, and she'd be a great addition to the Empire faction since she began as an Emperor's Hand. She was the player character in the Dark Forces 2 expansion pack: Mysteries of the Sith.
3) Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leader
This will possibly be a ship, and if they do it right, It would be CLS & R2D2 as the pilot for an Xwing. Whether they'll add more ships to an already large fleet, I don't know.
4) Tie Fighter: Maarek Stele
If they release the pilot and ship together, or just the ship, Maarek Stele is the name of the character played in the old Tie Fighter game. He would be a nice addition to the Empire Fleet, however.
5) Republic COmmando: Boss
If they release Boss, I hope they release the rest of Delta Squadron. As it stands, he'd be a great addition to the clones to tie together the various extra clones who don't have a home, such as Sergeant and Cody.
6) Masters fo Teras Kasi: Arden Lyn
An obscure game which released a popular legends character. Arden Lyn is a possibility. As to where she would fit, maybe Empire or unaligned force users.
7) Rebel Assault 2: Rookie One
Another obscure game, but the main character is a kid named Rookie One. It was part flight sim and part shooter. I don't know if they would add more ships to the rebel line up, but it's a possibility.
8) Knights of the old republic 2: Meetra Surik
I don't know if Meetra will enter this way, but it is possible. I hope she does join the game eventually. She could easily slip into an Old Republic line up and Unaligned Force User. I doubt she would be Jedi since she was exhiled and kicked out of the order.
9) X-Wing Alliance: Tomaas Azzameen
X-Wing Alliance has a few tie-ins to Shadows of the Empire which featured Dash Rendar. Again, this might be a stretch, but you never know. However, he'd be an obvious choice for a rebel, rebel fighter, and/or rebel fleet.
10) Jedi Power Battles: Adi Gallia
Jedi Power Battles was an adventure game with different choices as to who to play: Mace Windu, Qui Gonn, Obi Wan, Plo Koon, and Adi Gallia. The only one on that list Not in game already are Obi Wan as an apprentice, and Adi Galia. I doubt they'll toss in a fourth Obi Wan, but I wouldn't put it past them. However, Adi Gallia would be a nice Galactic Republic Jedi to put into the game for a team based upon Ki Adi Mundi.
You have some solid references, many of those consuming my youth haha. They mentioned wanting to pursue Legends characters. While Dash Rendar was technically made canon via a minute mention in a comic once, he’s still stuck in the 90’s.
Kyle Katarn screams obvious.
Mara Jade wasn’t really a video game character but she easily rivals Revan in EU popularity. She’s Skywalker’s wife, get her in the game.
Meetra Surik seems like an obvious one but I can also see them saving her for a return to KOTOR era content.
Adi Gallia is very canon but Jedi Power Battles was a great game. Good reference. I spent hours playing the Rogue Squadron games but Rogue Leader has been around since ESB, definitely not Legends. Technically Delta Squadron was canonized in Clone Wars and clone commandos further expanded on with Gregor and appearances in Bad Batch.
The other games you mentioned are probably too obscure for them to make nostalgia money lol.
I could see them pulling out a Darth Talon or Durge. Something wacky like Sharad Hett or Darth Krayt to make the Tuskens cool. Gilad Pellaeon. Lumiya and her lightwhip would add an exotic presence but she’s fairly obscure. Even Kreia would be kinda cool, the Old Ben version of Traya lol