This doesn't bother me, compared to the other issues...
I'd accept harder battles, by not maxing platoons, but use my best toons.
What I think we need is:
Mod change cost removed
Mod set swaps
Balanced DS TB
Real TP gain calculated
More than just 4 days break between TBs.
I see more and more players leaving the game.
You could remove the bonus energy that can be collected on three different times. Give us one free cantina refresh instead and two normal refreshes.
Rancor solo is rank 1. Period.
Give us only one DS and only one LS TB.
Fill the 'days off' with a smaller amount of GES-tokens and crystals:
Less time consuming and free stuff, could keep the players.
Increase some drop rates:
Cantina shards
Hard nodes
Lower and mid gear (including carbs, cuffs, guns,...)
Remove the complete timer and let us sim all at once (also with better drops)
Remove the 1.5mil credits rewards from credit heist, or give us a higher tier.
Let us swipe through the enemies, when we want to battle in arena.... I don't want to spend 20mins every day with 10000 unnecessary taps on my smartphone because of that.