"Sanaias;c-2365007" wrote:
Anyone who’s saying “oh yeah sure, blame CG for a weak password etc…” clearly hasn’t watched the video nor understands the root of the issue here. The issue is that you can be randomly logged into a random account and take advantage of the delete feature that CG has added. This has happened to me in the past (account wasn’t deleted) and has happened to several guild mates as well. This Issue IS CG’s problem and there’s no “blame” being thrown here. It’s an issue that exists. Plain and simple.
You’re all more than welcome to believe what you’d like to believe until it happens to you. But the fact that this guy is here simply advising people to watch a video related to an issue that’s kind of a big deal isn’t a justifiable reason to throw insults at him. ?♂️
CG is compelled to include an account deletion feature due to legal laws
Requesting more steps for account deletion, however, is a valid feedback request, but not a problem
I do agree more steps to confirm account deletion wouldn't hurt