Forum Discussion

Player_ag993gk5's avatar
2 years ago

Alot of bugs after new update! Please stop to release updates in middle of conquest!


after new update the game is full of bugs:
1. On auto battle my phone started to go to sleep mode. Before it go to sleep after battle end, now i must stay and touch display to prevent sleeping.
2. HUGGEEE lagg! Huge! Game works like 5-10 FPS.
3. Conquest hard mode tier 5 - Evasion feat is bugged and didnt count evasions. I do like 10 battles to test it -nothing work. Are you kidding me? This is my last feat for max crate, now it stays at 87/100. Tried every team, my Hermit Yoda evade like crazy - feat continue to stay at 87.
4. If you leave battle to time out on conquest, every time when you fight on other battle and phone sleeps, it wake ups with scene of that conquest battle. Tested in Squad arena, sheep arena.

Fix conquest ASAP!