Always Behind on Zetas!!
As the title suggests, I feel with the advent of the LSB's and endless new toons coming to the game, Newer players are finding it difficult to keep competitive.
I have been playing since September of 2022. Even though I have bought quite a bit in the game (My guilty pleasure, don't judge me ;) ), I feel like I can't keep up in terms of zeta materials. I have put off putting some zetas on characters, that would be quite useful, because I need the mats for other teams to make them even a little useful in GAC and other content.
A pack showed up on the PC client yesterday, it includes 40 zeta materials, for $70 CAD!!!!
This seems like a slap in the face for people who have bought LSB's, The Episode Pass, The Conquest Pass, and regular crystals packs. It's almost like the game itself is deliberately holding back newer players and LSB purchasers.
We can farm Omicrons, albeit they are fairly rare, on Cantina nodes, but there is no where to farm Zetas on any nodes. You can only find them through arena currency, MK3 raid currency(way too pricey IMO), the fleet challenges.
Where as Omi's you can get, in greater quantities from places like the legend tokens and episode currency.
Why the episode currency doesnt offer zeta mats as an option is beyond me, and seems like a way to sell more 70$ packs.
I don't know about other people, but I am stacking up Omi's faster than Zeta mats, Because the Omi's I want to apply are locked behind ZETAS!!!!
With all the new content coming to the game and player trying to play catch up, It would be nice to get a reprieve when it comes to zeta mats. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, I love the game, but the lack of zeta mats is really becoming a problem, and I think others feel the same way...