Forum Discussion

CeplorWavedream's avatar
9 months ago

Appealing a Ban

I very suddenly (and completely unexpectedly) opened up the game on my iPhone Thursday afternoon to a ban notice. I’ve been playing for several years and have zero reason to think I should be banned. I don’t know the first thing about how I’d even go about cheating!

At any rate, I’ve submitted appeal messages to CG_leviathan and CG_lucifersdaddy and even submitted one to EA and have had zero response to this point (nearly 48 hours). I’m a TB officer for my guild and now I suspect I’ll be missing out on the TB rewards and maybe losing out on years of progress on my account. It’s very frustrating…

Does anyone have suggestions? Am I missing something? Or is there another way to appeal a ban?
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    If you’ve already submitted the appeal messages, then you’ve done all you can for now. As for those messages, you won’t be getting a reply.

    You can trying pinging Ultra on Monday, maybe something can be accelerated then
  • @Ultra I submitted for a ban appeal on Thursday and nothing so far. It was suggested I ping you. Any help is greatly appreciated! ?
  • @Ultra happy new year! I’d certainly be grateful if there’s anything to be done about my ban. ? I don’t have any idea what I might have done. Let me know how I can help!
  • Thanks @Ultra for your help. I thought my account was going to be one with the force. I’m thrilled to be able to pick up where I left off!